使用 UIDynamics 为 UICollectionView 设置动画 Swift

Animate UICollectionView with UIDynamics Swift

在 Apple 自己的文档中,它说明了如何构建该行为的步骤,但我不太明白,谁能告诉我如何在代码中做到这一点。

To animate collection views, create an animator with the init(collection​View​Layout:​) method. The resulting animator employs a collection view layout (an object of the UICollection​View​Layout class) for its coordinate system. The dynamic items in this sort of animator must be UICollection​View​Layout​Attributes objects that are part of the layout. You can define a boundary, for items participating in a collision behavior, relative to the bounds of the collection view layout. See the set​Translates​Reference​Bounds​Into​Boundary(with:​) method. A collection view animator automatically calls the invalidate​Layout() method as needed, and automatically pauses and resumes animation, as appropriate, when you change a collection view’s layout.
