Leaflet, point very closer don't appear
我一直在使用 Leaflet 和 Tabletop.js。主要思想是将所有数据放在 Google 电子表格中,并使用 Tabletop 读取该数据,然后显示在 Leaflet 上。几乎工作正常,除了一个问题:如果这些点非常接近(比如 2 米),我看不到两个点,只能看到最后一个。有一些配置吗?
// Set view of Leaflet map based on screen size
var layer = new L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png');
if ($(window).width() < 626) {
var map = new L.Map('map').setView([-35,-71],20);
} else {
var map = new L.Map('map').setView([-35,-71],20);
此外,为了阅读 Google 电子表格,我使用
// Group we will append our markers to
if (window.location.hash === "#cluster") {
// Set up cluster group
var markers = new L.MarkerClusterGroup();
} else {
// Otherwise set up normal groupx`
var markers = new L.LayerGroup();
// Google Docs spreadsheet key
var spreadsheet_key = '1RBXvfL8A5OWKVShefgjkAlbikwnakpBzytz9fccuPzI';
// Name of lat, long columns in Google spreadsheet
var lat_column = 'latitude';
var long_column = 'longitude';
// Marker options
var radius = 3;
// Regular fill
var fill_color = "#023858";
var border_color = "#FFF";
// Hover
var fill_color_hover = "#FFF";
var border_color_hover = "#333"
var global_markers_data;
// Function that creates our popup
function generatePopup(content){
// Generate header
var popup_header = "<h4>" + toTitleCase(content['brewery']) + "</h4>"
// Generate content
var popup_content = '<table class="popup_table table">';
popup_content += '<tr><td><strong>Address:</strong></td>';
popup_content += '<td>' + content['address'] + '</td>';
popup_content += '<tr><td><strong>City:</strong></td>';
popup_content += '<td>' + content['city'] + '</td>';
popup_content += '<tr><td><strong>Phone:</strong></td>';
popup_content += '<td>' + content['phone'] + '</td>';
popup_content += '<tr><td colspan="2"><strong><a href="http://' + content['website'] + '" target="_blank">Learn more</a></strong></td>';
popup_content += '</tr></table>'
return popup_header + popup_content;
// This goes through our JSON file and puts markers on map
function loadMarkersToMap(markers_data) {
// If we haven't captured the Tabletop data yet
// We'll set the Tabletop data to global_markers_data
if (global_markers_data !== undefined) {
markers_data = global_markers_data;
// If we have, we'll load global_markers_data instead of loading Tabletop again
} else {
global_markers_data = markers_data;
for (var num = 0; num < markers_data.length; num++) {
// Capture current iteration through JSON file
current = markers_data[num];
// Add lat, long to marker
var marker_location = new L.LatLng(current[lat_column], current[long_column]);
// Determine radius of the circle by the value in total
// radius_actual = Math.sqrt(current['total'] / 3.14) * 2.8;
// Options for our circle marker
var layer_marker = L.circleMarker(marker_location, {
radius: radius,
fillColor: fill_color,
color: border_color,
weight: 1,
opacity: 1,
fillOpacity: 0.8
// Generate popup
layer_marker.bindPopup( generatePopup(current) );
// Add events to marker
(function (num){
// Must call separate popup(e) function to make sure right data is shown
function mouseOver(e) {
var layer_marker = e.target;
radius: radius + 1,
fillColor: fill_color_hover,
color: border_color_hover,
weight: 2,
opacity: 1,
fillOpacity: 1
// layer_marker.openPopup();
// What happens when mouse leaves the marker
function mouseOut(e) {
var layer_marker = e.target;
radius: radius + 1,
fillColor: fill_color,
color: border_color,
weight: 1,
opacity: 1,
fillOpacity: 0.8
// layer_marker.closePopup();
// Call mouseover, mouseout functions
mouseover: mouseOver,
mouseout: mouseOut
// Add to feature group
// Add feature group to map
// Clear load text
// $('.sidebar_text_intro').html('');
// Pull data from Google spreadsheet via Tabletop
function initializeTabletopObjectMarkers(){
key: spreadsheet_key,
callback: loadMarkersToMap,
simpleSheet: true,
debug: false
// Add JSON data to map
// If not done with map-tabletop-geojson.js
var latLng1 = [-35.40665432600, -71.66499569600];
var latLng2 = [-35.4066848373, -71.66500860470];
在它们的纬度上,它们在缩放 20 时仅相隔十几个像素。
在这种配置下,即使它们仍然很近并且您必须缩放到 20 级,也可以单独查看它们。
如果你使用Leaflet.markercluster插件,请注意默认的聚类半径是80px,所以即使缩放20,你的2个点也会合并到一个共同的聚类中。你可以使用"spiderfy"该插件的功能以分别查看它们,但不是在它们的真实位置。或者简单地减少聚类半径,至少从该缩放级别开始。或者从该缩放级别完全禁用聚类(参见 disableClusteringAtZoom
我一直在使用 Leaflet 和 Tabletop.js。主要思想是将所有数据放在 Google 电子表格中,并使用 Tabletop 读取该数据,然后显示在 Leaflet 上。几乎工作正常,除了一个问题:如果这些点非常接近(比如 2 米),我看不到两个点,只能看到最后一个。有一些配置吗?
// Set view of Leaflet map based on screen size
var layer = new L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png');
if ($(window).width() < 626) {
var map = new L.Map('map').setView([-35,-71],20);
} else {
var map = new L.Map('map').setView([-35,-71],20);
此外,为了阅读 Google 电子表格,我使用
// Group we will append our markers to
if (window.location.hash === "#cluster") {
// Set up cluster group
var markers = new L.MarkerClusterGroup();
} else {
// Otherwise set up normal groupx`
var markers = new L.LayerGroup();
// Google Docs spreadsheet key
var spreadsheet_key = '1RBXvfL8A5OWKVShefgjkAlbikwnakpBzytz9fccuPzI';
// Name of lat, long columns in Google spreadsheet
var lat_column = 'latitude';
var long_column = 'longitude';
// Marker options
var radius = 3;
// Regular fill
var fill_color = "#023858";
var border_color = "#FFF";
// Hover
var fill_color_hover = "#FFF";
var border_color_hover = "#333"
var global_markers_data;
// Function that creates our popup
function generatePopup(content){
// Generate header
var popup_header = "<h4>" + toTitleCase(content['brewery']) + "</h4>"
// Generate content
var popup_content = '<table class="popup_table table">';
popup_content += '<tr><td><strong>Address:</strong></td>';
popup_content += '<td>' + content['address'] + '</td>';
popup_content += '<tr><td><strong>City:</strong></td>';
popup_content += '<td>' + content['city'] + '</td>';
popup_content += '<tr><td><strong>Phone:</strong></td>';
popup_content += '<td>' + content['phone'] + '</td>';
popup_content += '<tr><td colspan="2"><strong><a href="http://' + content['website'] + '" target="_blank">Learn more</a></strong></td>';
popup_content += '</tr></table>'
return popup_header + popup_content;
// This goes through our JSON file and puts markers on map
function loadMarkersToMap(markers_data) {
// If we haven't captured the Tabletop data yet
// We'll set the Tabletop data to global_markers_data
if (global_markers_data !== undefined) {
markers_data = global_markers_data;
// If we have, we'll load global_markers_data instead of loading Tabletop again
} else {
global_markers_data = markers_data;
for (var num = 0; num < markers_data.length; num++) {
// Capture current iteration through JSON file
current = markers_data[num];
// Add lat, long to marker
var marker_location = new L.LatLng(current[lat_column], current[long_column]);
// Determine radius of the circle by the value in total
// radius_actual = Math.sqrt(current['total'] / 3.14) * 2.8;
// Options for our circle marker
var layer_marker = L.circleMarker(marker_location, {
radius: radius,
fillColor: fill_color,
color: border_color,
weight: 1,
opacity: 1,
fillOpacity: 0.8
// Generate popup
layer_marker.bindPopup( generatePopup(current) );
// Add events to marker
(function (num){
// Must call separate popup(e) function to make sure right data is shown
function mouseOver(e) {
var layer_marker = e.target;
radius: radius + 1,
fillColor: fill_color_hover,
color: border_color_hover,
weight: 2,
opacity: 1,
fillOpacity: 1
// layer_marker.openPopup();
// What happens when mouse leaves the marker
function mouseOut(e) {
var layer_marker = e.target;
radius: radius + 1,
fillColor: fill_color,
color: border_color,
weight: 1,
opacity: 1,
fillOpacity: 0.8
// layer_marker.closePopup();
// Call mouseover, mouseout functions
mouseover: mouseOver,
mouseout: mouseOut
// Add to feature group
// Add feature group to map
// Clear load text
// $('.sidebar_text_intro').html('');
// Pull data from Google spreadsheet via Tabletop
function initializeTabletopObjectMarkers(){
key: spreadsheet_key,
callback: loadMarkersToMap,
simpleSheet: true,
debug: false
// Add JSON data to map
// If not done with map-tabletop-geojson.js
var latLng1 = [-35.40665432600, -71.66499569600];
var latLng2 = [-35.4066848373, -71.66500860470];
在它们的纬度上,它们在缩放 20 时仅相隔十几个像素。
在这种配置下,即使它们仍然很近并且您必须缩放到 20 级,也可以单独查看它们。
如果你使用Leaflet.markercluster插件,请注意默认的聚类半径是80px,所以即使缩放20,你的2个点也会合并到一个共同的聚类中。你可以使用"spiderfy"该插件的功能以分别查看它们,但不是在它们的真实位置。或者简单地减少聚类半径,至少从该缩放级别开始。或者从该缩放级别完全禁用聚类(参见 disableClusteringAtZoom