
Average of 2 functions

当我 运行 这段代码时,我似乎一直偏离平均水平,想知道是否有人有任何建议,我尝试了一个例子,就是让 5 名员工全部缺勤 5 天,并保持平均 15 ,我算错了吗?再次感谢您的帮助。我发布了完整的代码,以防万一它不是我试图让它尽可能整洁的功能,如果它在不到一个月的时间里有点乱,我很抱歉。

using namespace std;

function prototypes

//return type: void
//parameter type: 1 int by refrence
//purpose: This function asks the user for the number of employees in the company.
void GetNumEmployees(int&);

//return type: int
//parameter type: 1 int
//Purpose: The function should as the user to enter the number of days each employee missed during the past year
int TotalDaysMissed(int);

//return type: float
//parameters: 2 int
//Purpose: Returns the average of total number of days missed for all employees in the company during the year
float AverageDaysMissed(int, int);

int main()
    //Declare and Initilize Variables
    int empnum = 0, daysmissed = 0 ;
    float averagedays = 0.0 ;
    GetNumEmployees(empnum) ;
    daysmissed = TotalDaysMissed(empnum)    ;
    averagedays = AverageDaysMissed(empnum, daysmissed) ;
    cout<<"The Average Work Days your Employees Missed is "<<averagedays<<endl ;
    return 0;
//function definitions
void GetNumEmployees(int &emp)
        cout<<"Enter the number of Employees in the company: ";
        cin>>emp ;
        if(emp < 1)
            cout<<"Invalid. Cannot be Less than 1\n\n";
    while (emp < 1) ;

int TotalDaysMissed(int empn)
    int daysmissed = 0 ;
    int total = 0 ;
    for(int n = empn; n > 0  ; n--)
            cout<<"How Many days did Employee "<<n<< " miss? " ;
            cin>>daysmissed ;
            total += daysmissed;
            if(daysmissed < 0)
                cout<<"Invalid days must be a Positive Number\n\n";
        while(daysmissed < 0) ;
    return total;

float AverageDaysMissed(int empn, int daystotal)
    float average = 0.0     ;
    average = (empn + daystotal) / 2.0 ;
    return average;


您有 5 名员工,每人缺勤 5 天。

(5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5) / 5 = 5

你的平均值是 5。

因此,如果您有 5 名员工按以下顺序缺勤:4、3、2、4、5。 那么你的平均值 = (4 + 3 + 2 + 4 +5) / 5 = 3.6
