
Difference between blank and null constraints



class Task {

    String title
    String notes
    TekUser assignedTo
    Date dueDate
    TekEvent event

    static constraints = {
        title blank:false
        notes blank: true , maxSize: 5000
        assignedTo nullable:true
        dueDate nullable:true

    static belongsTo = TekEvent

并且创建的 mysql table 将注释设置为非空,即使我指定了 notes blank : true

blank : true 有什么作用?

  • blank:true 表示该字段接受空字符串或仅由空格组成的字符串作为有效值。例如:""" "
  • nullable:true 表示该字段接受 null 作为有效值


title blank:false, nullable: true

虽然 aruizca 的回答是正确的和描述性的,但我在阅读这本书时发现了这一点:Burt Beckwith 的“Programming Grails”。

Blanks Versus Nulls In many cases, a blank string and null are equivalent—there is no value set. But HTTP submissions from web browser POST requests send blank strings for inputs without a value. This will not be the case with non-HTTP data, such as from other external clients like web services or during testing, so converting blanks to nulls for the HTTP tier will help simplify validation. While we’re at it, we can also trim extra whitespace from submitted values.

这可能与您的问题无关。 Aruizca 的答案就是您所需要的,但这可以是有关空白和空值的附加信息。


mysql table created has the notes set to not null even though I specified notes blank : true

What effect does blank : true have ?

blank: false 防止在该字段上设置空值(例如“”、“”等)。这与在 mysql 上具有约束 NOT NULL 的字段无关。发生这种情况是因为 Grails 将每个字段的 default 约束为 nullable: false,除非您明确将其设置为 nullable: true.