阅读 R 语料库中每个文档的前两行

Read the first two lines of each document in a corpus in R

我无法弄清楚如何阅读 R 语料库中每个文档的前两行。前两行包含我要分析的新闻文章的标题。我想在标题(而不是每个文本的其余部分)中搜索单词 'abortion.'


myCorp <- corpus(readtext(file='~/R/win-library/3.3/quanteda/Abortion/1972/*'))

我试过在 for 循环中使用 readLines:

for (mycorp in myCorp) {
titles <- readLines(mycorp, n = 2)
write.table(mycorp, "1972_text_P.txt", sep="\n\n", append=TRUE)
write.table(titles, "1972_text_P.txt", append=TRUE)

readLines(mycorp, n = 2) 出错:'con' 不是连接

我有意没有创建 DFM,因为我想将 465 个文件作为单个文档保存在语料库中。如何从文章文本中获取标题?或者,理想情况下,我如何只在每个文档的前两行中搜索关键字(堕胎)并创建一个文件,其中只包含那些带有关键字的标题?感谢您对此提供的所有帮助。

readLines 函数需要一个连接对象作为参数。因此,由于 corpus 函数没有 return 连接,您需要在循环中创建到语料库中字符串的连接。

myCorp <- Corpus(quanteda::data_corpus_inaugural)

for (text in myCorp$documents$texts) {
  con <- textConnection(text,)
  first_lines <- readLines(con, n = 2)

  # Test if the word "speaker" is in the two lines
  if(any(grepl(pattern = "speaker",x = first_lines, ignore.case = T))){




@rconradin 的解决方案有效,但正如您将在 ?corpus 中注意到的那样,我们强烈反对直接访问语料库对象的内部结构(因为它很快就会改变)。不循环也更快。

# test corpus for demonstration
testcorp <- corpus(c(
    d1 = "This is doc1, line 1.\nDoc1, Line 2.\nLine 3 of doc1.",
    d2 = "This is doc2, line 1.\nDoc2, Line 2.\nLine 3 of doc2."

## Corpus consisting of 2 documents.
##  Text Types Tokens Sentences
##    d1    12     17         3
##    d2    12     17         3

现在只用前两行覆盖文本。 (这也会丢弃第二个换行符,如果你想保留它,只需将它移到第一个捕获组即可。)

texts(testcorp) <- 
    stringi::stri_replace_all_regex(texts(testcorp), "(.*\n.*)(\n).*", "")
## Corpus consisting of 2 documents.
##  Text Types Tokens Sentences
##    d1    10     12         2
##    d2    10     12         2

##                                     d1                                     d2 
## "This is doc1, line 1.\nDoc1, Line 2." "This is doc2, line 1.\nDoc2, Line 2." 

使用 corpus_segment():

另一种解决方案是使用 corpus_segment():

testcorp2 <- corpus_segment(testcorp, what = "other", delimiter = "\n", 
                            valuetype = "regex")
## Corpus consisting of 6 documents.
##  Text Types Tokens Sentences
##  d1.1     7      7         1
##  d1.2     5      5         1
##  d1.3     5      5         1
##  d2.1     7      7         1
##  d2.2     5      5         1
##  d2.3     5      5         1

# get the serial number from each docname
docvars(testcorp2, "sentenceno") <- 
    as.integer(gsub(".*\.(\d+)", "\1", docnames(testcorp2)))
## Corpus consisting of 6 documents.
##  Text Types Tokens Sentences sentenceno
##  d1.1     7      7         1          1
##  d1.2     5      5         1          2
##  d1.3     5      5         1          3
##  d2.1     7      7         1          1
##  d2.2     5      5         1          2
##  d2.3     5      5         1          3

testcorp3 <- corpus_subset(testcorp2, sentenceno <= 2)
##                    d1.1                    d1.2                    d2.1                    d2.2 
## "This is doc1, line 1."         "Doc1, Line 2." "This is doc2, line 1."         "Doc2, Line 2."