在 Alembic 迁移期间更新列内容

Update column content during Alembic migration

假设我的数据库模型包含一个对象 User:

Base = declarative_base() 

class User(Base):                                                               
    __tablename__ = 'users'                                                     

    id = Column(String(32), primary_key=True, default=...) 
    name = Column(Unicode(100))                                             

我的数据库包含一个 users table 和 n 行。在某些时候,我决定将 name 拆分为 firstnamelastname,并且在 alembic upgrade head 期间我希望我的数据也被迁移。


def upgrade():
    op.add_column('users', sa.Column('lastname', sa.Unicode(length=50), nullable=True))
    op.add_column('users', sa.Column('firstname', sa.Unicode(length=50), nullable=True))

    # Assuming that the two new columns have been committed and exist at
    # this point, I would like to iterate over all rows of the name column,
    # split the string, write it into the new firstname and lastname rows,
    # and once that has completed, continue to delete the name column.

    op.drop_column('users', 'name')                                             

def downgrade():
    op.add_column('users', sa.Column('name', sa.Unicode(length=100), nullable=True))

    # Do the reverse of the above.

    op.drop_column('users', 'firstname')                                        
    op.drop_column('users', 'lastname')

这个问题似乎有多个或多或少的 hacky 解决方案。 This one and this one both propose to use execute() and bulk_insert() to execute raw SQL statements during a migration. This (incomplete) solution 导入当前的数据库模型,但当该模型发生变化时,该方法很脆弱。

如何在 Alembic 迁移期间迁移和修改列数据的现有内容?推荐的方法是什么,记录在哪里?

alembic 是模式迁移工具,而不是数据迁移工具。虽然它也可以那样使用。这就是为什么你不会找到很多关于它的文档的原因。也就是说,我会创建三个单独的修订版:

  1. 添加 firstnamelastname 而不删除 name
  2. 像在您的应用中一样读取所有用户并拆分他们的姓名,然后更新 firstlast。例如

    for user in session.query(User).all():
        user.firstname, user.lastname = user.name.split(' ')
  3. 移除name

sounds good at first, but I think it has one fundamental flaw: it would introduce multiple transactions—in between the steps, the DB would be in a funky, inconsistent state. It also seems odd to me (see ) 中提出的解决方案,该工具将在没有数据库数据的情况下迁移数据库的模式;两者联系得太紧密,无法分开。

经过一番摸索和多次交谈(参见 this Gist 中的代码片段),我决定采用以下解决方案:

def upgrade():

    # Schema migration: add all the new columns.
    op.add_column('users', sa.Column('lastname', sa.Unicode(length=50), nullable=True))
    op.add_column('users', sa.Column('firstname', sa.Unicode(length=50), nullable=True))

    # Data migration: takes a few steps...
    # Declare ORM table views. Note that the view contains old and new columns!        
    t_users = sa.Table(
        sa.Column('id', sa.String(32)),
        sa.Column('name', sa.Unicode(length=100)), # Old column.
        sa.Column('lastname', sa.Unicode(length=50)), # Two new columns.
        sa.Column('firstname', sa.Unicode(length=50)),
    # Use Alchemy's connection and transaction to noodle over the data.
    connection = op.get_bind()
    # Select all existing names that need migrating.
    results = connection.execute(sa.select([
    # Iterate over all selected data tuples.
    for id_, name in results:
        # Split the existing name into first and last.
        firstname, lastname = name.rsplit(' ', 1)
        # Update the new columns.
        connection.execute(t_users.update().where(t_users.c.id == id_).values(

    # Schema migration: drop the old column.
    op.drop_column('users', 'name')                                             


  1. 如所引用的 Gist 中所述,较新版本的 Alembic 的表示法略有不同。
  2. 根据数据库驱动程序,代码的行为可能不同。显然,MySQL 而不是 将上述代码作为单个事务处理(参见 “Statements That Cause an Implicit Commit”)。所以你必须检查你的数据库实现。


附录。有关架构迁移与数据迁移配对的示例,请参阅 Alembic 说明书中的 Conditional Migration Elements 部分。