
Automatically add spaces around "=>"

在 SublimeText 3 上,我尝试在“=>”前后自动添加空格


{ "keys": ["equals,>"], "command": "insert_snippet", "args": { "name": "Packages/User/spacer.sublime-snippet" } } 


<content><![CDATA[ => ]]></content>


控制台显示 Unknown key equals,>

equals 是多余的。所以正确的设置:

{ "keys": [">"], "command": "insert_snippet", "args": { "name": "Packages/User/spacer.sublime-snippet" } } 



I want it matchs on "=>".

["=",">"] 应在这种情况下使用

{ "keys": ["=",">"], "command": "insert_snippet", "args": { "name": "Packages/User/spacer.sublime-snippet" } } 

当我读到这个问题时,我意识到我经常在某些东西的两边插入 spaces,所以我敲了下面的 Sublime Text 插件供自己使用,事后,我决定 post 在这里。

此插件在任何选定文本前后添加一个 space,例如"Sel" --> " Sel "。当然,可以处理多项选择。单个游标将被忽略,否则您只会添加两个 space。它与 Sublime Text v.2 和 v.3 兼容。

将以下代码保存在名为 AddSpacesAroundSelection.py 的文件中,并将该文件放在 Sublime Text Packages 文件夹中的某个位置。例如~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/

# File:     AddSpacesAroundSelection.py
# Command:  add_spaces_around_selection
# Keys:     { "keys": ["ctrl+space"], "command": "add_spaces_around_selection" }

import sublime, sublime_plugin

class AddSpacesAroundSelectionCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
    The AddSpacesAroundSelectionCommand class is a Sublime Text plugin which
    adds a single space on both sides of each selection. e.g. "Sel" -> " Sel "

    def run(self, edit):
        """ run() is called when the command is run. """

        space_char = " "

        # Loop through all the selections.
        for sel in self.view.sel():

            # If something is actually selected (i.e. not just a cursor) then
            # insert a space on both sides of the selected text.
            if sel.size() > 0:

                # Insert the space at the end of the selection before the
                # beginning of it or the insertion position will be wrong.
                self.view.insert(edit, sel.end(), space_char)
                self.view.insert(edit, sel.begin(), space_char)

    # End of def run()

# End of class AddSpacesAroundSelectionCommand()

将键绑定添加到您的用户 .sublime-keymap 文件。在我的系统上,ctrl+space 键绑定未被使用,但它们似乎适合使用。

{ "keys": ["ctrl+space"], "command": "add_spaces_around_selection" },
