在 64 位内核中读取较高半地址的页面错误

Page faults with reads of higher half addresses in 64-bit kernel

我正在用 Rust 和 NASM 汇编器编写一个 64 位高半内核。我正在使用 Multiboot2 (GRUB2) 兼容的引导加载程序来初始加载我的内核。当我的内核在 QEMU 中为 运行 时,我遇到页面错误错误(0x0e 异常),我不明白为什么。我遇到的问题是在到达用 Rust 编写的代码之前出现在我的汇编代码中。


0000000000000000: 0000000000000000 --PDA---W
0000000000200000: 0000000000200000 --P-----W
ffffff0000000000: 0000000000000000 --P-----W
ffffff7f80000000: 0000000000000000 X-P------

(这既是我的意图,也是 QEMUinfo mem 的结果)

table 看起来像:

p4: # pml4
    0o000 <- p3_low | PRESENT | WRITABLE
    0o776 <- p3_hgh | PRESENT | WRITABLE
p3_low: # pdpte
    0o000 <- p2_low | PRESENT | WRITABLE
p3_hgh: # pdpte
    0o000 <- p2_krn | PRESENT | WRITABLE
    0o667 <- p2_mbi | PRESENT | WRITABLE
p2_low: # pde
    0o000 <- 0o000000_000_000_000_000_0000 | PRESENT | WRITABLE | PAGESIZE
    0o001 <- 0o000000_000_000_001_000_0000 | PRESENT | WRITABLE | PAGESIZE
p2_krn: # pde
    0o000 <- 0o000000_000_000_000_000_0000 | PRESENT | WRITABLE | PAGESIZE
p2_mbi: # pde
    0o000 <- 0o000000_000_000_000_000_0000 | PRESENT | PAGESIZE | NOEXEC




%macro pte_write 4
    mov rax, %4
    or rax, %3
    mov qword [%1+8*%2], rax


extern kernel_start
extern kernel_end

p_present  equ (1<<0)
p_writable equ (1<<1)
p_user     equ (1<<2)
p_pagesize equ (1<<7)
p_noexec   equ (1<<63)

[section .text]

    ; Calculate start and end address of the multiboot2 info structure.
    mov r9, rdi
    mov r10, r9
    add r10d, dword [r9]
    and r9, 0xfffffffffffff000
    shr r10, 12
    inc r10
    shl r10, 12
    ; Clear out all the page tables.
    movaps xmm1, [blank]
    mov rcx, page_tables_start
    movaps [rcx], xmm1
    add rcx, 16
    cmp rcx, page_tables_end
    jl .clear_page_tables_loop
    ; TODO Uncomment the recursive page mappings once things actually work -- for now, they just make "info tlb" in QEMU annoying to read.
    ; Fill out the P4 table.
    pte_write p4, 0o000, p3_low, p_present | p_writable
    pte_write p4, 0o776, p3_hgh, p_present | p_writable
;   pte_write p4, 0o777, p4,     p_present | p_writable | p_noexec
    ; Fill out the P3 tables.
    pte_write p3_low, 0o000, p2_low, p_present | p_writable
;   pte_write p3_low, 0o777, p3_low, p_present | p_writable | p_noexec
    pte_write p3_hgh, 0o000, p2_krn, p_present | p_writable
    pte_write p3_hgh, 0o776, p2_mbi, p_present | p_writable
;   pte_write p3_hgh, 0o777, p3_hgh, p_present | p_writable | p_noexec
    ; Identity map the lowest 2MiB.
    pte_write p2_low, 0o000, 0o000000_000_000_000_000_0000, p_present | p_writable | p_pagesize
    pte_write p2_low, 0o001, 0o000000_000_000_001_000_0000, p_present | p_writable | p_pagesize
;   pte_write p2_low, 0o777, p2_low, p_present | p_writable | p_noexec
    ; Map the kernel.
    xor rcx, rcx
    mov rsi, kernel_start
    pte_write p2_krn, rcx, rsi, p_present | p_writable | p_pagesize
    inc rcx
    add rsi, 0o000000_000_000_001_000_0000
    cmp rsi, kernel_end
    jb .kernel_loop
    ; Map the multiboot2 information structure.
    xor rcx, rcx
    mov rsi, r9
    pte_write p2_mbi, rcx, rsi, p_present | p_pagesize | p_noexec
    inc rcx
    add rsi, 0o000000_000_000_001_000_0000
    cmp rsi, r10
    jb .mbi_loop
    ; Load the new page table. We don't need to flush the TLB because we moved into CR3.
    mov rax, p4
    mov cr3, rax
    ; Return.

[section .data]
align 0x10
blank: times 0x10 db 0x00

[section .bss]

alignb 4096

p4: resb 4096
p3_low: resb 4096
p3_hgh: resb 4096
p2_low: resb 4096
p2_krn: resb 4096
p2_mbi: resb 4096



bits 64

extern kmain
global start64

%include "macros64.asm"
%include "paging64.asm"

[section .text]

;; The entry point for 64-bit code. We expect the address of the multiboot2
;; info structure in rdi.
    ; Save the address of the multiboot2 info structure.
    push rdi
    ; Clear interrupts. If we get an interrupt before we have an IDT, we'll
    ; triple fault. We can re-enable it from Rust, later.
    ; Nuke the segment registers.
    mov rax, 0x10
    mov ss, ax
    mov ds, ax
    mov es, ax
    mov fs, ax
    mov gs, ax
    ; Set up paging.
    call enable_paging
    ; The first argument to kmain is the multiboot2 info structure. We need to
    ; adjust the address to the new higher-half location.
    pop rdi
    mov rax, 0xffffff7f80000000
    add rdi, rax
    ; DEBUG
    mov dword [0xb8004], 0xf021f021
    mov rbx, [rdi]
    mov dword [0xb8000], 0xf021f021
    ; Call kmain. It's more than 4GiB away, so we have to do an indirect call.
    mov rax, kmain
    call rax
    ; kmain should never return; call halt if it does.
    jmp halt

    ; Write "kexit?!?" to the upper right corner.
    mov dword [0xb8000], 0x4f654f6b
    mov dword [0xb8004], 0x4f694f78
    mov dword [0xb8008], 0x4f3f4f74
    mov dword [0xb800c], 0x4f3f4f21
    ; Disable interrupts and halt.
    ; Just in case... something? happens.
    jmp halt

我将新页面 table 移动到 CR3 后,执行继续正确。但是,一旦我尝试从 start64.asm 中的高端内存中读取一个值,我就会遇到页面错误。故障出现在这条线上:

    mov rbx, [rdi]

之前的行 mov dword [0xb8004], 0xf021f021 正确地将 !! 写入屏幕。 [rdi]是Multiboot2信息记录所在的高半地址

可以在 my GIT repository 中找到完整代码的副本。

我将根据我所做的另一个实验进行有根据的猜测。我怀疑如果您要回滚并查看抛出的异常(其中一张图像的开头被截断),您会在 QEMU 中看到这样的输出:

check_exception old: 0xffffffff new 0xe
0: v=0e e=0009 i=0 cpl=0 ... [snip]

特别是您将寻找以 new 0xe 开头的异常,即 Page Fault Exception 。为了简洁起见,我已经剪掉了。

在第二行,您可能会看到 e=0009。这是在进入您的页面处理程序之前将被压入堆栈的错误代码。您没有页面处理程序,因此出现三重错误,之后您会遇到其他异常。

错误代码 0x0009 是什么意思? OSDev Wiki 有一个描述:

31              4               0
+---+--  --+---+---+---+---+---+---+
|   Reserved   | I | R | U | W | P |
+---+--  --+---+---+---+---+---+---+

P 1 bit - Present - When set, the page fault was caused by a page-protection violation.
                    When not set, it was caused by a non-present page.
W 1 bit - Write   - When set, the page fault was caused by a page write.
                    When not set, it was caused by a page read.
U 1 bit - User    - When set, the page fault was caused while CPL = 3. This does not
                    necessarily mean that the page fault was a privilege violation.
R 1 bit - Reserved write    - When set, the page fault was caused by
                              reading a 1 in a reserved field.
I 1 bit - Instruction Fetch - When set, the page fault was caused by 
                              an instruction fetch.

您的值 e=0009 是 01001 的位掩码。这意味着发生了页面保护违规(而不是 页面不存在错误),并且它表示从保留字段读取了 1。

有问题的保留字段(位)在页面 Table 页面的实际页面 Table 条目 (PTE) 中 Table (PT) 在页面 table 层次结构的底部.当使用 no Page Attribute Tables 的 2MB 页面大小时,页面 Table 中的 PTE 必须将位 12 到 20 设置为零。您当前的代码就是这种情况。保留位的特殊之处在于,如果它们包含值 1,那么您将在 QEMU 输出中得到一个 e=0009

要解决此问题,您必须确保实际页面 Tables (PT) 中的页面 table 条目 (PTE) 将这些位设置为 0。快速破解可能是在 macros64.asm:

%macro pte_write 4
    mov rax, %4
    or rax, %3
    mov qword [%1+8*%2], rax

%macro pte_write_res 4
    mov rax, %4
    mov r11, 0x7fffffffffe00000
    and r11, %3
    or  rax, r11
    mov qword [%1+8*%2], rax

主要区别在于 pte_write_res 通过将保留位设置为 0 来专门强制执行保留位的规则。然后您必须修改使用这些宏的代码。在您的情况下,它似乎位于 paging64.asm:

    pte_write p2_krn, rcx, rsi, p_present | p_writable | p_pagesize
    inc rcx


    pte_write_res p2_krn, rcx, rsi, p_present | p_writable | p_pagesize
    inc rcx

    pte_write p2_mbi, rcx, rsi, p_present | p_pagesize | p_noexec
    inc rcx


    pte_write_res p2_mbi, rcx, rsi, p_present | p_pagesize | p_noexec
    inc rcx

在这两种情况下,我们都需要写入页面 Table 页面 Table 的条目,其中 RSI 可能设置了我们需要的位为 0.