在 vim_configurable.customize 中用 python3 覆盖 python
Overriding python with python3 in vim_configurable.customize
我正在按照 this 模板使用 Nix 配置我的自定义 vim。我的vim-config/default.nix
{ pkgs }:
my_plugins = import ./plugins.nix { inherit (pkgs) vimUtils fetchFromGitHub; };
in with (pkgs // { python = pkgs.python3; }); vim_configurable.customize {
name = "vim";
vimrcConfig = {
customRC = ''
syntax on
filetype on
" ...
vam.knownPlugins = vimPlugins // my_plugins;
vam.pluginDictionaries = [
{ names = [
# ...
]; }
虽然第5行有(pkgs // { python = pkgs.python3; })
覆盖,但是python3还是没有用(我运行vim --version
的时候显示+python -python3
my_vim_configurable = pkgs.vim_configurable.override {
python = pkgs.python3;
事实证明,with (pkgs // { python = pkgs.python3; });
仅在 with
语句之后的范围内修改了 python
。 vim_configurable
中使用的 python
不受影响。我最终做的是使用 vimUtils.makeCustomizable
制作 vim_configurable
的 python3 版本
{ pkgs }:
my_plugins = import ./plugins.nix { inherit (pkgs) vimUtils fetchFromGitHub; };
configurable_nix_path = <nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/configurable.nix>;
my_vim_configurable = with pkgs; vimUtils.makeCustomizable (callPackage configurable_nix_path {
inherit (darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks) CoreServices Cocoa Foundation CoreData;
inherit (darwin) libobjc cf-private;
features = "huge"; # one of tiny, small, normal, big or huge
lua = pkgs.lua5_1;
gui = config.vim.gui or "auto";
python = python3;
# optional features by flags
flags = [ "python" "X11" ];
in with pkgs; my_vim_configurable.customize {
name = "vim";
vimrcConfig = {
customRC = ''
syntax on
vam.knownPlugins = vimPlugins // my_plugins;
vam.pluginDictionaries = [
{ names = [
# ...
]; }
在 Darwin(MacOS 10.15) 中,我也无法从 vim/configurable 编译 vim,因为这个 error。但我能够从 vim/default.nix.
pkgs = import <nixpkgs>{};
vim = import <nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/editors/vim>;
customVim = (pkgs.callPackage vim {
inherit (pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks) Cocoa Carbon;
}).overrideDerivation (self : {
buildInputs = self.buildInputs ++ [ pkgs.python37 ];
configureFlags = self.configureFlags ++
#python support
in customVim
我发现我需要在 .customize
之前执行 .override
,如下所示,在我的 systemPackages 中。
为了其他用户的利益,由于我无法在网上找到其他示例,这里是我目前的整个 Vim 配置:
((vim_configurable.override {python = python38;}).customize {
name = "vim";
# add custom .vimrc lines like this:
vimrcConfig.customRC = ''
set nocompatible
syntax on
filetype plugin on
" search in subfolders
set path+=**
" tabcomplete files with :find filename
set wildmenu
set relativenumber
set number
set shiftwidth=4 expandtab
set hidden
set ruler
set colorcolumn=80
set backspace=indent,eol,start
vimrcConfig.packages.myVimPackage = with pkgs.vimPlugins; {
# loaded on launch
start = [ YouCompleteMe elm-vim vim-nix haskell-vim jedi-vim typescript-vim ];
# manually loadable by calling `:packadd $plugin-name`
# opt = [ elm-vim vim-nix haskell-vim jedi-vim typescript-vim ];
# To automatically load a plugin when opening a filetype, add vimrc lines like:
# autocmd FileType php :packadd phpCompletion
我现在有 opt
评论,内容放在 start
中,因为延迟加载不适用于默认加载程序,并且应该使用 start
我还删除了应该与 opt
一起使用(但不是)的 autocmd
autocmd FileType elm :packadd elm-vim
autocmd FileType nix :packadd vim-nix
autocmd FileType hs :packadd haskell-vim
autocmd FileType py :packadd jedi-vim
autocmd FileType ts :packadd typescript-vim
我正在按照 this 模板使用 Nix 配置我的自定义 vim。我的vim-config/default.nix
{ pkgs }:
my_plugins = import ./plugins.nix { inherit (pkgs) vimUtils fetchFromGitHub; };
in with (pkgs // { python = pkgs.python3; }); vim_configurable.customize {
name = "vim";
vimrcConfig = {
customRC = ''
syntax on
filetype on
" ...
vam.knownPlugins = vimPlugins // my_plugins;
vam.pluginDictionaries = [
{ names = [
# ...
]; }
虽然第5行有(pkgs // { python = pkgs.python3; })
覆盖,但是python3还是没有用(我运行vim --version
的时候显示+python -python3
my_vim_configurable = pkgs.vim_configurable.override {
python = pkgs.python3;
事实证明,with (pkgs // { python = pkgs.python3; });
仅在 with
语句之后的范围内修改了 python
。 vim_configurable
中使用的 python
不受影响。我最终做的是使用 vimUtils.makeCustomizable
的 python3 版本
{ pkgs }:
my_plugins = import ./plugins.nix { inherit (pkgs) vimUtils fetchFromGitHub; };
configurable_nix_path = <nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/editors/vim/configurable.nix>;
my_vim_configurable = with pkgs; vimUtils.makeCustomizable (callPackage configurable_nix_path {
inherit (darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks) CoreServices Cocoa Foundation CoreData;
inherit (darwin) libobjc cf-private;
features = "huge"; # one of tiny, small, normal, big or huge
lua = pkgs.lua5_1;
gui = config.vim.gui or "auto";
python = python3;
# optional features by flags
flags = [ "python" "X11" ];
in with pkgs; my_vim_configurable.customize {
name = "vim";
vimrcConfig = {
customRC = ''
syntax on
vam.knownPlugins = vimPlugins // my_plugins;
vam.pluginDictionaries = [
{ names = [
# ...
]; }
在 Darwin(MacOS 10.15) 中,我也无法从 vim/configurable 编译 vim,因为这个 error。但我能够从 vim/default.nix.
pkgs = import <nixpkgs>{};
vim = import <nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/editors/vim>;
customVim = (pkgs.callPackage vim {
inherit (pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks) Cocoa Carbon;
}).overrideDerivation (self : {
buildInputs = self.buildInputs ++ [ pkgs.python37 ];
configureFlags = self.configureFlags ++
#python support
in customVim
我发现我需要在 .customize
之前执行 .override
,如下所示,在我的 systemPackages 中。
为了其他用户的利益,由于我无法在网上找到其他示例,这里是我目前的整个 Vim 配置:
((vim_configurable.override {python = python38;}).customize {
name = "vim";
# add custom .vimrc lines like this:
vimrcConfig.customRC = ''
set nocompatible
syntax on
filetype plugin on
" search in subfolders
set path+=**
" tabcomplete files with :find filename
set wildmenu
set relativenumber
set number
set shiftwidth=4 expandtab
set hidden
set ruler
set colorcolumn=80
set backspace=indent,eol,start
vimrcConfig.packages.myVimPackage = with pkgs.vimPlugins; {
# loaded on launch
start = [ YouCompleteMe elm-vim vim-nix haskell-vim jedi-vim typescript-vim ];
# manually loadable by calling `:packadd $plugin-name`
# opt = [ elm-vim vim-nix haskell-vim jedi-vim typescript-vim ];
# To automatically load a plugin when opening a filetype, add vimrc lines like:
# autocmd FileType php :packadd phpCompletion
我现在有 opt
评论,内容放在 start
中,因为延迟加载不适用于默认加载程序,并且应该使用 start
我还删除了应该与 opt
一起使用(但不是)的 autocmd
autocmd FileType elm :packadd elm-vim
autocmd FileType nix :packadd vim-nix
autocmd FileType hs :packadd haskell-vim
autocmd FileType py :packadd jedi-vim
autocmd FileType ts :packadd typescript-vim