检查响应是否包含 Robot Framework 中的值列表?

Checking whether a response contains a list of values in Robot Framework?

我是机器人的新手,如果这是一个愚蠢的问题,我深表歉意,但我正在寻找将列表传递给内置方法的方法 should_contain:

def should_contain(self, item1, item2, msg=None, values=True):
    """Fails if `item1` does not contain `item2` one or more times.

    Works with strings, lists, and anything that supports Python's `in`
    keyword. See `Should Be Equal` for an explanation on how to override
    the default error message with `msg` and `values`.

    | Should Contain | ${output}    | PASS |
    | Should Contain | ${some_list} | value  |
    msg = self._get_string_msg(item1, item2, msg, values, 'does not contain')
    asserts.fail_unless(item2 in item1, msg)


Should Contain    ${RESPONSE}    "hello","world",250


为了解决这个问题,我刚刚对我关心的值做了 Should Contain。问题是我在几行上重复 Should Contain 和不同的数据,这显然不是一个好的做法。

Should Contain  ${RESPONSE}    "Hello"
Should Contain  ${RESPONSE}    "World"
Should Contain  ${RESPONSE}    250


Should Contain 关键字不接受列表类型变量作为第二个参数。您可以通过使用 FOR 循环来解析列表来解决问题:

*** Variables ***
${Response}    "250 hello world foobar"

*** Test Cases ***
@{list} =   Create List   hello   world    250
:FOR    ${item}    in     @{list}
\       Should Contain    ${RESPONSE}    ${item}


Library  Collections
List Should Contain Sub List  ${list1}  ${list2}

如果在 list1 中找不到 list2 中的所有元素,则失败。