如何解决 Visual Studio MPF 15.0 依赖性警报,以便我可以安装 Zebble for Xamarin 扩展?

How do I resolve a Visual Studio MPF 15.0 Dependency Alert so that I may install Zebble for Xamarin extension?

使用 Visual Studio 2015 Update 3,我尝试通过“工具”>“扩展和更新”对话框安装 Zebble for Xamarin 扩展。当我单击下载时,我收到以下依赖性警报:

The following reference must be present before installation can continue: Visual Studio MPF 15.0


To obtain a reference, click its name, look for it on the Online, or search for it on the Internet. Restart Visual Studio after installing the references above to use this extension.


现在从最新版本的 Zebble 扩展(从 3.96 开始)中删除了对 MPF 的依赖。

您应该安装最新的 Zebble 扩展。您可以直接从 Visual Studio 或从 URL 执行此操作:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Paymon.ZebbleforXamarin