如何解决 Visual Studio MPF 15.0 依赖性警报,以便我可以安装 Zebble for Xamarin 扩展?
How do I resolve a Visual Studio MPF 15.0 Dependency Alert so that I may install Zebble for Xamarin extension?
使用 Visual Studio 2015 Update 3,我尝试通过“工具”>“扩展和更新”对话框安装 Zebble for Xamarin 扩展。当我单击下载时,我收到以下依赖性警报:
The following reference must be present before installation can continue: Visual Studio MPF 15.0
To obtain a reference, click its name, look for it on the Online, or
search for it on the Internet. Restart Visual Studio after installing
the references above to use this extension.
- 点击名称但似乎无法点击
- 在网上搜索,只遇到 Visual Studio 2017 RC issues linked to different githubs
现在从最新版本的 Zebble 扩展(从 3.96 开始)中删除了对 MPF 的依赖。
您应该安装最新的 Zebble 扩展。您可以直接从 Visual Studio 或从 URL 执行此操作:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Paymon.ZebbleforXamarin
使用 Visual Studio 2015 Update 3,我尝试通过“工具”>“扩展和更新”对话框安装 Zebble for Xamarin 扩展。当我单击下载时,我收到以下依赖性警报:
The following reference must be present before installation can continue: Visual Studio MPF 15.0
To obtain a reference, click its name, look for it on the Online, or search for it on the Internet. Restart Visual Studio after installing the references above to use this extension.
- 点击名称但似乎无法点击
- 在网上搜索,只遇到 Visual Studio 2017 RC issues linked to different githubs
现在从最新版本的 Zebble 扩展(从 3.96 开始)中删除了对 MPF 的依赖。
您应该安装最新的 Zebble 扩展。您可以直接从 Visual Studio 或从 URL 执行此操作:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Paymon.ZebbleforXamarin