
What is the Team Provisioning I have from scratch?

我对供应配置文件的理解是这样的:供应配置文件包含签名身份信息,并用于签署应用程序代码。我可以在没有任何配置文件的情况下使用模拟器开发应用程序。要 运行 并在真实设备上测试应用程序,我至少需要开发配置文件。这些配置文件应在 Apple Developer Portal 中生成,然后下载以通过 Xcode 在本地使用它们。目前 Xcode 自己负责生成和下载配置文件,并且 Xcode 自动执行。还有分发配置文件 Ad-Hoc 和 AppStore。

但我对默认情况下用于在 Xcode 中签署应用程序的所谓 "Team Provisioning Profile" 感到困惑。它会自动出现并允许我在真实设备上安装应用程序,因此我将其理解为自动生成的开发配置文件。但是我在 Apple Developer 控制台中看不到任何相应的 iOS-development provisioning profile。

我的问题是:Team Provisioning Profile 是什么?如果是 Development Provisioning,为什么我在 Apple Developer 控制台上看不到它?

团队:- 一种由 Xcode 管理的开发配置文件。 Xcode 自动将每个人的证书以及来自设备的所有 UDID 添加到其中。

那么Team Provisioning Profile是什么?

To save you time, Xcode creates and manages a type of development provisioning profile, called a team provisioning profile, for you. The team provisioning profile allows all your apps to be signed and run by all team members on all your team’s devices. For an individual, the team provisioning profile allows all your apps to run on all your devices. Xcode also performs configuration steps for each app service you enable that requires some type of provisioning. Although Xcode simplifies this process, it helps to understand your code signing and provisioning assets and to know where they reside.

如果是Development Provisioning,为什么我在Apple Developer console上看不到呢?

Xcode creates a team provisioning profile and its components as needed in your developer account. Xcode requests a development certificate for you if it’s missing. The development certificate is used in the team provisioning profile to identify you. A device must be registered to create a provisioning profile, so Xcode may ask you to connect an iOS or tvOS device. For Mac apps, Xcode automatically registers the Mac that is running Xcode.that's why you can't see it on Apple Developer console

更多检查:apple doc