Mixpanel 默认存储应用版本

Store app version by default in Mixpanel

我需要制作 Mixpanel 来存储我的应用程序版本。

默认情况下,它存储操作系统、OS 版本、型号和制造商等所有其他内容。


Mixpanel sends a number of parameters by default, such as the device model, operating system version and time zone. But sometimes you may want to have some properties that you want to include in each event you send. Mixpanel has Super Properties for this purpose. You can register the properties as Super Properties and then Mixpanel will include it in all events you send.

要将 属性 注册为超级 属性,您只需调用 Mixpanel.mainInstance().registerSuperProperties()


Mixpanel.mainInstance().registerSuperProperties(["App Language" : "English","app_version_string" : Bundle.main.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "CFBundleShortVersionString")])
