当所有使用 bluebirdjs 完成后,我如何顺序链接承诺并获得结果?

How can I sequentially chain promises and get result when all finished using bluebirdjs?


在我的代码中,我正在将文件安装到设备 - 这需要按顺序完成,并且 install 创建了一个承诺。

受上述示例和 example from BluebirdJS documentation 的启发,我编写了以下代码:

  Promise.each(files, function(file, index){
    self.adbClient.install(device, file.path)
    .then(function() {
      console.log('%s installed on device %s', file.name, device)
    .catch(function(err) {
      console.error('Something went wrong when installing %s on %s: '+  err.stack, file.name, device)
  }).then(function() { console.log("All done"); })
  .catch(function(err) { console.log("Argh, broken: " + err.message); })


All done
first-file.apk installed on device LGV400d1d1a81d
second-file.apk installed on device LGV400d1d1a81d

如何在所有安装完成后收到 All done 消息?

根据正确的文档http://bluebirdjs.com/docs/api/promise.each.html -

If the iterator function returns a promise or a thenable, then the result of the promise is awaited before continuing with next iteration

所以,添加一个 return 的简单情况如下

 Promise.each(files, function(file, index){
    return self.adbClient.install(device, file.path)
 // ^^^^^^
 // rest of your code