我如何在 webdriver.io 中以 32 位模式启动 IE

How I can start IE in 32bit mode in webdriver.io

我正在 运行 宁 WebDriver.io test using gulp-wdio npm pakage 在 selenium-standalone


gulp.task('e2e', function () {
return gulp.src('wdio.conf.js')
        wdio: {
            specs: './test/features/**/*.feature'

我的 wdio.conf.js 以这种方式定义浏览器:

capabilities: [     
            browserName: 'internet explorer',
            version: 'ANY'

How ever the typing is very slow,我在互联网上发现 运行ning 32 位版本的网络驱动程序解决了这个问题,但是我找不到如何配置功能或一些默认情况下 运行 IE32 位驱动程序的其他位置... 任何帮助将不胜感激@:-)

经过 2 天的研究,我找到了解决方案!!!

有一个配置文件需要提供给selenium standalone 如图所示 Example

我们有一个名为 wdio.browsers.setup.js 的配置文件,其中包含浏览器设置:

module.exports = {
    baseURL: 'https://selenium-release.storage.googleapis.com',
    version: '3.3.1',
    drivers: {
        chrome: {
            version: '2.29',
            arch: process.arch,
            // - Recent versions of the driver: https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/
            baseURL: 'https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com'
        ie: {
            version: '3.0.0',
            arch: 'ia32',
            // - Recent versions of the driver: http://selenium-release.storage.googleapis.com/index.html
            baseURL: 'https://selenium-release.storage.googleapis.com'
        firefox: {
            version: '0.15.0',
            arch: process.arch,
            baseURL: 'https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/download'


let browsersSetup = require('./wdio.browsers.setup');
exports.config = {

   seleniumArgs: browsersSetup,
    seleniumInstallArgs: browsersSetup,





./node_modules/.bin/selenium-standalone install --config=../../wdio.browsers.setup.js 

请找到以下适用于 IE 浏览器的解决方案以安装 32 位:

services: ["selenium-standalone"],
seleniumArgs: {
    drivers: {`enter code here`
        ie: {
            version: "3.4.0", // or whatever latest is
            arch: "ia32", // forces use of 32 bit driver
            baseURL: "https://selenium-release.storage.googleapis.com"
seleniumInstallArgs: {
    drivers: {
        ie: {
            version: "3.4.0", // or whatever latest is
            arch: "ia32", // forces use of 32 bit driver
            baseURL: "https://selenium-release.storage.googleapis.com"