如何根据 RxJs 中的事件有条件地缓冲键输入

How do I conditionally buffer key input based on event in RxJs

我是 RxJs 的新手,还没有阅读过解决方案。评论中有更详细的解释,但基本上我想在按下特定键时处理组合键(我认为缓冲区会这样做)(比如按 "o" 会等待很短的时间等待其他键按下),但立即处理其他键输入(如果 "o" 未被按下,则除 "o" 之外的任何内容,或者 "o" 的 'timeout' 已通过)。

Observable.fromEvent(document, 'keydown')
  // Now I want to only continue processing the event if the user pressed "o99" in series,
  // as in pressed "o", followed by "9" and then another "9"
  // I think I can do it with buffer
  .buffer(() => Observable.timer(1000))
  .map((e) => 'option-99')
  // However I need to pass the keys through unbuffered if it's anything but an "o" (unless it is following an "o")
  // In other words, "o99" is buffered or something, but "9" is not, and processed immediately
  .map((e) => e.keyCode)


您有一个非常常见的情况需要处理,即一个事件的相关操作取决于某个控制状态(即您有一个基本状态机)。基本上,如果您考虑这两个控制状态:SIMPLE_KEYCOMBO 和这两个事件:keyupkeyupTimer,那么:

  • 处于SIMPLE_KEY状态
    • 如果按下的键是o,那么你切换到COMBO状态
    • 如果不是o,那么我们保持相同的状态,并向下游传递密钥
    • if timer event, then we pass a null value to be filtered out downstream
  • 处于COMBO状态
    • 我们累积按下的键
    • 如果定时器事件,那么我们恢复到SIMPLE_KEY状态

因此,要将事件映射到动作,您需要知道所处的控制状态。运算符 scan 允许您根据累积状态决定如何处理事件。

可能是这样的 (https://jsfiddle.net/cbhmxaas/):

function getKeyFromEvent(ev) {return ev.key}
function isKeyPressedIsO(ev) {return getKeyFromEvent(ev) === 'o'}

const KEY = 'key';
const TIMER = 'timer';
const COMBO = 'combo';
const SIMPLE_KEY = 'whatever';
const timeSpanInMs = 1000;
const keyup$ = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(document, 'keyup')
  .map(ev => ({event: KEY, data: getKeyFromEvent(ev)}));
const keyupTimer$ = keyup$.flatMapLatest(eventStruct => 
//    .tap(console.warn.bind(console, 'timer event'))
    .map(() => ({event : TIMER, data: null}))

Rx.Observable.merge(keyup$, keyupTimer$)
//  .tap(console.warn.bind(console))
  .scan((acc, eventStruct) => {
    if (acc.control === SIMPLE_KEY) {
      if (eventStruct.event === KEY) {
        if (eventStruct.data === `o`) {
          return {control: COMBO, keyOrKeys : []}
        else {
          return {control: SIMPLE_KEY, keyOrKeys : eventStruct.data}
      else {
      // TIMER event
        return {control: SIMPLE_KEY, keyOrKeys : null}
    else {
      // we only have two states, so it is COMBO state here
      if (eventStruct.event === KEY) {
        return {control: COMBO, keyOrKeys : acc.keyOrKeys.concat([eventStruct.data])}
      else {
        // this is a TIMER event, we only have two events
        return {control: SIMPLE_KEY, keyOrKeys : acc.keyOrKeys}
  }, {control: SIMPLE_KEY, keyOrKeys : null})
//  .tap(console.warn.bind(console))
  .filter(state => state.keyOrKeys) // TIMER event in SIMPLE_KEY state
  .map (({control, keyOrKeys}) => {
  // Here you associate your action
  // if keyOrKeys is an array, then you have a combo
  // else you have a single key
  console.log('key(s) pressed', keyOrKeys)
  return keyOrKeys
  .subscribe (console.log.bind(console))