ColdFusion 区域设置特定的货币输入形式使用逗号(即法语加拿大 2 222,22 $)
ColdFusion locale specific currency inputs in forms using commas (ie french Canadian 2 222,22$)
是否有 easier/shorter 方法将货币输入的最后一个逗号转换为小数。
输入看起来像 2 000,99 或 2,000,99
MySQL 希望它们看起来像 2000.99
<cfform action="commatest.cfm?gotime" onsubmit="commatest.cfm" method="post" name="waiv">
<cfinput type="text" name="commer">
<input type="submit" style="width:180px;" value="convertme" class="hide button">
<cfif isdefined("gotime")>
<!--- START SCRIPT --->
<cfset formentry = FORM.commer>
<cfset howlong = #len(formentry)#>
<cfif howlong GT 3>
<cfset leftlen = howlong - 3>
<cfset rside = #right(formentry, 3)#>
<cfset rside = ReReplace(rside,"[,]",".", "ALL")>
<cfset lside = #left(FORM.commer, leftlen)#>
<cfset lside = ReReplaceNoCase(lside,"[-$A-Z,]","", "ALL")>
<cfset lside = reReplace(lside, "[[:space:]]", "", "ALL") />
<cfset newb = #lside# & #rside#>
<!--- OUTPUT TO DATABASE (or webpage in this case) --->
<h1>#newb# (number? #IsNumeric(newb)#)</h1>
<h1>#formentry# (number? #IsNumeric(formentry)#)</h1>
source1 = '2 000,99';
source2 = '2,000,99';
// remove ALL commas and spaces
example1 = REReplace(source1,"[\s,]","","all");
example2 = REReplace(source2,"[\s,]","","all");
// insert a decimal before the last two digits
example1 = Insert(".",example1,(Len(example1)-2));
example2 = Insert(".",example2,(Len(example2)-2));
writeOutput(source1 & " = " & example1);
writeOutput(source2 & " = " & example2);
2 000,99 = 2000.99
2,000,99 = 2000.99
是否有 easier/shorter 方法将货币输入的最后一个逗号转换为小数。
输入看起来像 2 000,99 或 2,000,99
MySQL 希望它们看起来像 2000.99
<cfform action="commatest.cfm?gotime" onsubmit="commatest.cfm" method="post" name="waiv">
<cfinput type="text" name="commer">
<input type="submit" style="width:180px;" value="convertme" class="hide button">
<cfif isdefined("gotime")>
<!--- START SCRIPT --->
<cfset formentry = FORM.commer>
<cfset howlong = #len(formentry)#>
<cfif howlong GT 3>
<cfset leftlen = howlong - 3>
<cfset rside = #right(formentry, 3)#>
<cfset rside = ReReplace(rside,"[,]",".", "ALL")>
<cfset lside = #left(FORM.commer, leftlen)#>
<cfset lside = ReReplaceNoCase(lside,"[-$A-Z,]","", "ALL")>
<cfset lside = reReplace(lside, "[[:space:]]", "", "ALL") />
<cfset newb = #lside# & #rside#>
<!--- OUTPUT TO DATABASE (or webpage in this case) --->
<h1>#newb# (number? #IsNumeric(newb)#)</h1>
<h1>#formentry# (number? #IsNumeric(formentry)#)</h1>
source1 = '2 000,99';
source2 = '2,000,99';
// remove ALL commas and spaces
example1 = REReplace(source1,"[\s,]","","all");
example2 = REReplace(source2,"[\s,]","","all");
// insert a decimal before the last two digits
example1 = Insert(".",example1,(Len(example1)-2));
example2 = Insert(".",example2,(Len(example2)-2));
writeOutput(source1 & " = " & example1);
writeOutput(source2 & " = " & example2);
2 000,99 = 2000.99
2,000,99 = 2000.99