Conditional or selective rule using Clips
希望你过得很好?我是 CLIPS 的初学者。我有几个节点(开始节点(输入)和结束节点(输出)的图表。我想在输入数量等于输出数量的情况下创建一个规则,该规则必须帮助我在几个之间进行选择组合(开始和结束节点)每个组合的最短路径。
(deftemplate path
(slot start)
(slot end)
(multislot path)
(slot cost(type NUMBER)))
(deftemplate info
(slot start)
(slot end)
(multislot path)
(slot cost))
(deffacts variable_table
(path (start A)(end B)(path A,a,b,B) (cost 7))
(path (start A)(end C)(path A,a,b,c,C) (cost 10))
(path (start A)(end D)(path A,a,m,n,d,D) (cost 8.5))
(path (start A)(end E)(path A,a,m,n,E) (cost 5.5))
(path (start A)(end F)(path A,a,m,n,k,g,f,F) (cost 9.4))
(path (start A)(end CS) (path A,a,m,n,k,CS) (cost 6.7))
(path (start A)(end G)(path A,a,m,n,k,g,G) (cost 8))
(path (start A)(end H)(path A,a,m,n,d,e,H) (cost 10.3))
(path (start A)(end I)(path A,a,m,I) (cost 3.5))
(path (start B)(end A) (path B,b,a,A) (cost 7 ))
(path (start B)(end C) (path B,b,c,C) (cost 4))
(path (start B)(end D) (path B,b,c,d,D) (cost 7 ))
(path (start B)(end E) (path B,b,g,k,n,E) (cost 5.8 ))
(path (start B)(end F) (path B,b,g,f,F) (cost 4.7))
(path (start B)(end CS)(path B,b,g,k,CS) (cost 4.6))
(path (start B)(end G) (path NG2,b,g,G) (cost 3.3))
(path (start B)(end H) (path NG2,b,g,f,e,H) (cost 6.5 ))
(path (start B)(end I) (path NG2,b,g,k,n,m,I)(cost 7.8 ))
(path (start C)(end A) (path C,c,b,a,A) (cost 10))
(path (start C)(end B) (path C,c,b,B) (cost 5))
(path (start C)(end D) (path C,c,d,D) (cost 4))
(path (start C)(end E) (path C,c,d,n,E) (cost 5.3))
(path (start C)(end F) (path C,c,d,e,f,F) (cost 7.6))
(path (start C)(end CS)(path C,c,b,g,k,CS) (cost 7.6))
(path (start C)(end G) (path C,c,b,g,G) (cost 6.3))
(path (start C)(end H) (path C,c,d,e,H) (cost 5.8))
(path (start C)(end I) (path C,c,d,n,m,I) (cost 9))
(path (start D)(end A) (path D,d,n,m,a,A) (cost 8.5))
(path (start D)(end B) (path D,d,c,b,B) (cost 7))
(path (start D)(end C) (path D,d,c,C) (cost 4))
(path (start D)(end E) (path D,d,n,E) (cost 5))
(path (start D)(end F) (path D,d,e,f,F) (cost 5.6))
(path (start D)(end CS)(path D,d,n,k,CS) (cost 6.2))
(path (start D)(end G) (path D,d,e,f,g,G) (cost 6))
(path (start D)(end H) (path D,d,e,H) (cost 3.8))
(path (start D)(end I) (path D,d,n,m,I) (cost 7))
(path (start E)(end A) (path E,n,m,a,A) (cost 5.5))
(path (start E)(end B) (path E,n,k,g,b,B) (cost 5.8))
(path (start E)(end C) (path E,n,d,c,C) (cost 7))
(path (start E)(end D) (path E,n,d,D) (cost 5))
(path (start E)(end F) (path E,n,k,g,f,F) (cost 5.9))
(path (start E)(end CS)(path E,n,k,CS) (cost 3.2))
(path (start E)(end G) (path E,n,k,g,G) (cost 4.5))
(path (start E)(end H) (path E,n,d,e,H) (cost 6.8))
(path (start E)(end I) (path E,n,m,I) (cost 4))
(path (start F)(end A) (path F,f,g,k,n,m,a,A)(cost 9.4))
(path (start F)(end B) (path F,f,g,b,B) (cost 4.7))
(path (start F)(end C) (path F,f,e,d,c,C) (cost 7.6))
(path (start F)(end D) (path F,f,e,d,D) (cost 5.6))
(path (start F)(end E) (path F,f,g,k,n,E) (cost 5.9))
(path (start F)(end CS)(path F,f,g,k,CS) (cost 4.7))
(path (start F)(end G) (path F,f,g,G) (cost 3.4))
(path (start F)(end H) (path F,f,e,H) (cost 3.8))
(path (start F)(end I) (path F,f,g,k,n,m,I) (cost 7.9))
(path (start CS)(end A) (path CS,k,n,m,a,A) (cost 6.7))
(path (start CS)(end B) (path CS,k,g,b,B) (cost 4.6))
(path (start CS)(end C) (path CS,K,g,b,c,C) (cost 7.6))
(path (start CS)(end D) (path CS,k,n,d,D) (cost 6.2))
(path (start CS)(end E) (path CS,K,N,E) (cost 3.2))
(path (start CS)(end F) (path CS,k,g,f,F) (cost 4.7))
(path (start CS)(end G) (path CS,k,g,G) (cost 3.3))
(path (start CS)(end H) (path CS,k,g,f,e,H) (cost 6.5))
(path (start CS)(end I)(path CS,k,n,m,I) (cost 5.2))
(path (start G)(end A) (path G,g,k,n,m,a,A) (cost 8))
(path (start G)(end B) (path G,g,b,B) (cost 3.3))
(path (start G)(end C) (path G,g,b,c,C) (cost 6.3))
(path (start G)(end D) (path G,g,f,e,d,D) (cost 6))
(path (start G)(end E) (path G,g,k,n,E) (cost 4.5))
(path (start G)(end F) (path G,g,f,F) (cost 3.4))
(path (start G)(end CS)(path G,g,k,CS) (cost 3.3))
(path (start G)(end H) (path G,g,f,e,H) (cost 5.2))
(path (start G)(end I) (path G,g,k,n,m,I) (cost 6.5))
(path (start H)(end A) (path H,e,d,n,m,a,A) (cost 10.3))
(path (start H)(end B) (path H,e,f,g,B) (cost 6.5))
(path (start H)(end C) (path H,e,d,C) (cost 3.8))
(path (start H)(end D) (path H,e,d,c,D) (cost 5.8))
(path (start H)(end E) (path H,e,d,n,E) (cost 6.8))
(path (start H)(end F) (path H,e,f,F) (cost 3.8))
(path (start H)(end CS)(path H,e,f,g,k,CS) (cost 6.5))
(path (start H)(end H) (path H,e,f,g,H) (cost 5.2))
(path (start H)(end I) (path H,e,d,n,m,I) (cost 8.8))
(path (start I)(end A) (path I,m,a,A) (cost 3.5))
(path (start I)(end B) (path I,m,n,k,g,b,B) (cost 7.8))
(path (start I)(end C) (path I,m,n,d,c,C) (cost 9))
(path (start I)(end D) (path I,m,n,d,D) (cost 7))
(path (start I)(end E) (path I,m,n,E) (cost 4))
(path (start I)(end F) (path I,m,n,k,g,f,F) (cost 7.9))
(path (start I)(end CS)(path I,m,m,k,CS) (cost 5.2))
(path (start I)(end G) (path I,m,n,k,g,G) (cost 6.5))
(path (start I)(end H) (path I,m,n,d,e,I) (cost 8.8)))
(defrule lancesaisiepoint
?f1 <- (debut node)
(retract ?f1)
(printout t "how many node start")
(bind ?x (read))
(assert (startnode ?x))
(defrule saisiepoint
?f <- (startnode ?a)
(test (> ?a 0))
(printout t "Enter nbr node start " crlf)
(printout t "start node name ")
(bind ?start (read))
(printout t "node start value ")
(bind ?y1 (read))
(assert (startnode ?start ?y1))
(retract ?f)
(assert (startnode (- ?a 1)))
(defrule lancesaisiemoins
?f1 <- (startnode 0)
(retract ?f1)
(printout t "how many node end ")
(bind ?x (read))
(assert (endnode ?x))
(defrule saisiemoins
?f <- (endnode ?a)
(test (> ?a 0))
(printout t "Enter nbr node end" crlf)
(printout t "end node name ")
(bind ?end (read))
(printout t "node end value ")
(bind ?y2 (read))
(assert (endnode ?end ?y2))
(retract ?f)
(assert (endnode (- ?a 1))))
(defrule supprnbrpoint ;compter
?x<- (startnode 0)
(retract ?x)
(defrule supprnbrmoins
?x<- (endnode 0)
(retract ?x)
(defrule info
?M <- (startnode ?start ?y1)
?K <- (endnode ?end ?y2)
(assert (start ?start end ?end))
(defrule varvar
?L<- (start ?start end ?end)
(path (start ?start)(end ?end)(path $?path)(cost ?cost))
(retract ?L)
(printout t " PATH " ?start " to " ?end " by " ?path " with a cost of " ?cost crlf)
(assert (info (start ?start) (end ?end) (path $?path)
(cost ?cost)))
如果我有 3 个开始节点和 2 个结束节点,则组合结果
how many node start 3
Enter nbr node start
start node name A
node start value 3
Enter nbr node start
start node name C
node start value 5
Enter nbr node start
start node name E
node start value 5
how many node end 2
Enter nbr node end
end node name B
node end value -5
Enter nbr node end
end node name I
node end value -5
PATH A to I by (A,a,m,I) with a cost of 3.5
PATH C to I by (C,c,d,n,m,I) with a cost of 9
PATH E to I by (E,n,m,I) with a cost of 4
PATH A to B by (A,a,b,B) with a cost of 7
PATH C to B by (C,c,b,B) with a cost of 5
PATH E to B by (E,n,k,g,b,B) with a cost of 5.8
PATH A to I by (A,a,m,I) with a cost of 3.5 */ because it is the low cost between the 3 first combinaison */
PATH E to B by (E,n,k,g,b,B) with a cost of 5.8 */ because it is the low cost between the 3 second combinaison */
PATH C to B by (C,c,b,B) with a cost of 5 */ because it is the low cost between (C to B) and (C to I) */
尝试将规则信息和 varvar 合并为以下内容:
(defrule varvar
(startnode ?start ?)
(endnode ?end ?)
(path (start ?start) (end ?end) (path $?path) (cost ?cost))
(not (and (endnode ?end2 ?)
(path (start ?start) (end ?end2) (cost ?cost2&:(< ?cost2 ?cost)))))
(printout t " PATH " ?start " to " ?end " by " ?path " with a cost of " ?cost crlf)
(assert (info (start ?start) (end ?end) (path $?path) (cost ?cost))))
PATH A to I by (A,a,m,I) with a cost of 3.5
PATH E to I by (E,n,m,I) with a cost of 4
PATH C to B by (C,c,b,B) with a cost of 5
不清楚为什么您希望选择路径 E 到 B,因为路径 E 到 I 的成本较低。
希望你过得很好?我是 CLIPS 的初学者。我有几个节点(开始节点(输入)和结束节点(输出)的图表。我想在输入数量等于输出数量的情况下创建一个规则,该规则必须帮助我在几个之间进行选择组合(开始和结束节点)每个组合的最短路径。
(deftemplate path
(slot start)
(slot end)
(multislot path)
(slot cost(type NUMBER)))
(deftemplate info
(slot start)
(slot end)
(multislot path)
(slot cost))
(deffacts variable_table
(path (start A)(end B)(path A,a,b,B) (cost 7))
(path (start A)(end C)(path A,a,b,c,C) (cost 10))
(path (start A)(end D)(path A,a,m,n,d,D) (cost 8.5))
(path (start A)(end E)(path A,a,m,n,E) (cost 5.5))
(path (start A)(end F)(path A,a,m,n,k,g,f,F) (cost 9.4))
(path (start A)(end CS) (path A,a,m,n,k,CS) (cost 6.7))
(path (start A)(end G)(path A,a,m,n,k,g,G) (cost 8))
(path (start A)(end H)(path A,a,m,n,d,e,H) (cost 10.3))
(path (start A)(end I)(path A,a,m,I) (cost 3.5))
(path (start B)(end A) (path B,b,a,A) (cost 7 ))
(path (start B)(end C) (path B,b,c,C) (cost 4))
(path (start B)(end D) (path B,b,c,d,D) (cost 7 ))
(path (start B)(end E) (path B,b,g,k,n,E) (cost 5.8 ))
(path (start B)(end F) (path B,b,g,f,F) (cost 4.7))
(path (start B)(end CS)(path B,b,g,k,CS) (cost 4.6))
(path (start B)(end G) (path NG2,b,g,G) (cost 3.3))
(path (start B)(end H) (path NG2,b,g,f,e,H) (cost 6.5 ))
(path (start B)(end I) (path NG2,b,g,k,n,m,I)(cost 7.8 ))
(path (start C)(end A) (path C,c,b,a,A) (cost 10))
(path (start C)(end B) (path C,c,b,B) (cost 5))
(path (start C)(end D) (path C,c,d,D) (cost 4))
(path (start C)(end E) (path C,c,d,n,E) (cost 5.3))
(path (start C)(end F) (path C,c,d,e,f,F) (cost 7.6))
(path (start C)(end CS)(path C,c,b,g,k,CS) (cost 7.6))
(path (start C)(end G) (path C,c,b,g,G) (cost 6.3))
(path (start C)(end H) (path C,c,d,e,H) (cost 5.8))
(path (start C)(end I) (path C,c,d,n,m,I) (cost 9))
(path (start D)(end A) (path D,d,n,m,a,A) (cost 8.5))
(path (start D)(end B) (path D,d,c,b,B) (cost 7))
(path (start D)(end C) (path D,d,c,C) (cost 4))
(path (start D)(end E) (path D,d,n,E) (cost 5))
(path (start D)(end F) (path D,d,e,f,F) (cost 5.6))
(path (start D)(end CS)(path D,d,n,k,CS) (cost 6.2))
(path (start D)(end G) (path D,d,e,f,g,G) (cost 6))
(path (start D)(end H) (path D,d,e,H) (cost 3.8))
(path (start D)(end I) (path D,d,n,m,I) (cost 7))
(path (start E)(end A) (path E,n,m,a,A) (cost 5.5))
(path (start E)(end B) (path E,n,k,g,b,B) (cost 5.8))
(path (start E)(end C) (path E,n,d,c,C) (cost 7))
(path (start E)(end D) (path E,n,d,D) (cost 5))
(path (start E)(end F) (path E,n,k,g,f,F) (cost 5.9))
(path (start E)(end CS)(path E,n,k,CS) (cost 3.2))
(path (start E)(end G) (path E,n,k,g,G) (cost 4.5))
(path (start E)(end H) (path E,n,d,e,H) (cost 6.8))
(path (start E)(end I) (path E,n,m,I) (cost 4))
(path (start F)(end A) (path F,f,g,k,n,m,a,A)(cost 9.4))
(path (start F)(end B) (path F,f,g,b,B) (cost 4.7))
(path (start F)(end C) (path F,f,e,d,c,C) (cost 7.6))
(path (start F)(end D) (path F,f,e,d,D) (cost 5.6))
(path (start F)(end E) (path F,f,g,k,n,E) (cost 5.9))
(path (start F)(end CS)(path F,f,g,k,CS) (cost 4.7))
(path (start F)(end G) (path F,f,g,G) (cost 3.4))
(path (start F)(end H) (path F,f,e,H) (cost 3.8))
(path (start F)(end I) (path F,f,g,k,n,m,I) (cost 7.9))
(path (start CS)(end A) (path CS,k,n,m,a,A) (cost 6.7))
(path (start CS)(end B) (path CS,k,g,b,B) (cost 4.6))
(path (start CS)(end C) (path CS,K,g,b,c,C) (cost 7.6))
(path (start CS)(end D) (path CS,k,n,d,D) (cost 6.2))
(path (start CS)(end E) (path CS,K,N,E) (cost 3.2))
(path (start CS)(end F) (path CS,k,g,f,F) (cost 4.7))
(path (start CS)(end G) (path CS,k,g,G) (cost 3.3))
(path (start CS)(end H) (path CS,k,g,f,e,H) (cost 6.5))
(path (start CS)(end I)(path CS,k,n,m,I) (cost 5.2))
(path (start G)(end A) (path G,g,k,n,m,a,A) (cost 8))
(path (start G)(end B) (path G,g,b,B) (cost 3.3))
(path (start G)(end C) (path G,g,b,c,C) (cost 6.3))
(path (start G)(end D) (path G,g,f,e,d,D) (cost 6))
(path (start G)(end E) (path G,g,k,n,E) (cost 4.5))
(path (start G)(end F) (path G,g,f,F) (cost 3.4))
(path (start G)(end CS)(path G,g,k,CS) (cost 3.3))
(path (start G)(end H) (path G,g,f,e,H) (cost 5.2))
(path (start G)(end I) (path G,g,k,n,m,I) (cost 6.5))
(path (start H)(end A) (path H,e,d,n,m,a,A) (cost 10.3))
(path (start H)(end B) (path H,e,f,g,B) (cost 6.5))
(path (start H)(end C) (path H,e,d,C) (cost 3.8))
(path (start H)(end D) (path H,e,d,c,D) (cost 5.8))
(path (start H)(end E) (path H,e,d,n,E) (cost 6.8))
(path (start H)(end F) (path H,e,f,F) (cost 3.8))
(path (start H)(end CS)(path H,e,f,g,k,CS) (cost 6.5))
(path (start H)(end H) (path H,e,f,g,H) (cost 5.2))
(path (start H)(end I) (path H,e,d,n,m,I) (cost 8.8))
(path (start I)(end A) (path I,m,a,A) (cost 3.5))
(path (start I)(end B) (path I,m,n,k,g,b,B) (cost 7.8))
(path (start I)(end C) (path I,m,n,d,c,C) (cost 9))
(path (start I)(end D) (path I,m,n,d,D) (cost 7))
(path (start I)(end E) (path I,m,n,E) (cost 4))
(path (start I)(end F) (path I,m,n,k,g,f,F) (cost 7.9))
(path (start I)(end CS)(path I,m,m,k,CS) (cost 5.2))
(path (start I)(end G) (path I,m,n,k,g,G) (cost 6.5))
(path (start I)(end H) (path I,m,n,d,e,I) (cost 8.8)))
(defrule lancesaisiepoint
?f1 <- (debut node)
(retract ?f1)
(printout t "how many node start")
(bind ?x (read))
(assert (startnode ?x))
(defrule saisiepoint
?f <- (startnode ?a)
(test (> ?a 0))
(printout t "Enter nbr node start " crlf)
(printout t "start node name ")
(bind ?start (read))
(printout t "node start value ")
(bind ?y1 (read))
(assert (startnode ?start ?y1))
(retract ?f)
(assert (startnode (- ?a 1)))
(defrule lancesaisiemoins
?f1 <- (startnode 0)
(retract ?f1)
(printout t "how many node end ")
(bind ?x (read))
(assert (endnode ?x))
(defrule saisiemoins
?f <- (endnode ?a)
(test (> ?a 0))
(printout t "Enter nbr node end" crlf)
(printout t "end node name ")
(bind ?end (read))
(printout t "node end value ")
(bind ?y2 (read))
(assert (endnode ?end ?y2))
(retract ?f)
(assert (endnode (- ?a 1))))
(defrule supprnbrpoint ;compter
?x<- (startnode 0)
(retract ?x)
(defrule supprnbrmoins
?x<- (endnode 0)
(retract ?x)
(defrule info
?M <- (startnode ?start ?y1)
?K <- (endnode ?end ?y2)
(assert (start ?start end ?end))
(defrule varvar
?L<- (start ?start end ?end)
(path (start ?start)(end ?end)(path $?path)(cost ?cost))
(retract ?L)
(printout t " PATH " ?start " to " ?end " by " ?path " with a cost of " ?cost crlf)
(assert (info (start ?start) (end ?end) (path $?path)
(cost ?cost)))
如果我有 3 个开始节点和 2 个结束节点,则组合结果
how many node start 3
Enter nbr node start
start node name A
node start value 3
Enter nbr node start
start node name C
node start value 5
Enter nbr node start
start node name E
node start value 5
how many node end 2
Enter nbr node end
end node name B
node end value -5
Enter nbr node end
end node name I
node end value -5
PATH A to I by (A,a,m,I) with a cost of 3.5
PATH C to I by (C,c,d,n,m,I) with a cost of 9
PATH E to I by (E,n,m,I) with a cost of 4
PATH A to B by (A,a,b,B) with a cost of 7
PATH C to B by (C,c,b,B) with a cost of 5
PATH E to B by (E,n,k,g,b,B) with a cost of 5.8
PATH A to I by (A,a,m,I) with a cost of 3.5 */ because it is the low cost between the 3 first combinaison */
PATH E to B by (E,n,k,g,b,B) with a cost of 5.8 */ because it is the low cost between the 3 second combinaison */
PATH C to B by (C,c,b,B) with a cost of 5 */ because it is the low cost between (C to B) and (C to I) */
希望说清楚?? 谢谢你的帮助
尝试将规则信息和 varvar 合并为以下内容:
(defrule varvar
(startnode ?start ?)
(endnode ?end ?)
(path (start ?start) (end ?end) (path $?path) (cost ?cost))
(not (and (endnode ?end2 ?)
(path (start ?start) (end ?end2) (cost ?cost2&:(< ?cost2 ?cost)))))
(printout t " PATH " ?start " to " ?end " by " ?path " with a cost of " ?cost crlf)
(assert (info (start ?start) (end ?end) (path $?path) (cost ?cost))))
PATH A to I by (A,a,m,I) with a cost of 3.5
PATH E to I by (E,n,m,I) with a cost of 4
PATH C to B by (C,c,b,B) with a cost of 5
不清楚为什么您希望选择路径 E 到 B,因为路径 E 到 I 的成本较低。