
Function of key in Binary Heap

我使用 class 在我的课本中获得了这个二叉堆实现代码。但是我不明白 key 在构建堆中的必要性。

#define MAXREAL 999999.0

class HeapItem
    int data; //actual data that is stored
    float key; //key value of the data, heap is constructed based on key
class MinHeap
    HeapItem * A; //stores heap items, e.g., nodes
    int heapLength;
    int * map;

    MinHeap() //constructor
        A = new HeapItem[MAX_HEAP_SIZE];
        map = new int[MAX_HEAP_SIZE];
        heapLength = 0;
//Fills the heap with an array of integers
//key values do not maintain heap property
//May be used in some algorithms such as dijkstra's shortest path
    void initialize(int v[], int n)
        heapLength = n;
        for (int i = 0; i<n; i++) //nodes are stored from index 1 instead of 0 in the heap
            A[i + 1].data = v[i];
            A[i + 1].key = MAXREAL;
            map[v[i]] = i + 1; //map tracks which vertex is stored at which heap node



//key values do not maintain heap property
//May be used in some algorithms such as dijkstra's shortest path

还要注意,所有的键都分配给了MAXREAL,基本上键可以用到keep the heap property

在您的情况下,这不能称为堆。因为 Heapify 过程没有被调用,并且没有对数组中顺序的假设。基本上这意味着您的数据集中没有特定顺序,因此这不是最小堆。

同样在堆中,元素从位置 0 开始存储 - 这是最小值。


在这里,您的堆树将基于 key 值构建。

例如:这里红框内的值为key,圆圈内的值为data 因为,它是一个最小堆,所以它建立在 key 的值之上。根的 key 将小于它的 child.