从 git 签出时,Fitnesse 删除了页面属性
Fitnesse has page properties removed when checking out from git
从我的 git 存储库中检出后,每个套件和测试页都已删除各自的 属性。
这迫使我在签出分支后手动设置 属性 并删除每个页面的文本。
我是不是在使用 Fitnesse 的版本控制方面做错了什么,或者为什么会发生这种情况?
因此,在 legoscia 向我提示正确的方向后,我在 Fitnesse 存储库中遇到了这个问题:Wiki 页面属性在版本 20161106 中未正确保存
Its GIT messing up new wiki pages (.wiki) upon commit.
For now, until this is resolved I'll set all updated projects back to the old-style wiki pages with folders.
It appears a '.gitattributes' file in the FitNesseRoot directory also works, if we explicitly set all .wiki files to have only 'lf' line endings (and not Windows standard 'crlf').
So inside the FitNesseRoot directory we can add a '.gitattributes' file with contents:
*.wiki text eol=lf
This seems to leave the new style wiki pages in working condition.
从我的 git 存储库中检出后,每个套件和测试页都已删除各自的 属性。
这迫使我在签出分支后手动设置 属性 并删除每个页面的文本。 我是不是在使用 Fitnesse 的版本控制方面做错了什么,或者为什么会发生这种情况?
因此,在 legoscia 向我提示正确的方向后,我在 Fitnesse 存储库中遇到了这个问题:Wiki 页面属性在版本 20161106 中未正确保存 https://github.com/unclebob/fitnesse/issues/1013
Its GIT messing up new wiki pages (.wiki) upon commit.
For now, until this is resolved I'll set all updated projects back to the old-style wiki pages with folders.
It appears a '.gitattributes' file in the FitNesseRoot directory also works, if we explicitly set all .wiki files to have only 'lf' line endings (and not Windows standard 'crlf').
So inside the FitNesseRoot directory we can add a '.gitattributes' file with contents:
*.wiki text eol=lf
This seems to leave the new style wiki pages in working condition.