C# 如何将 short[] 转换为 bool[]?

C# How convert short[] to bool[]?

short[] sBuf = new short[2];
sBuf[0] = 1;
sBuf[1] = 2;

bool[] bBuf = new bool[sBuf.Length * 16];
Buffer.BlockCopy(sBuf, 0, bBuf, 0, sBuf.Length * 2);

Desired result value  
sBuf[0] = 1
bBuf[0] = true, bBuf[1] = false, bBuf[2] = false, bBuf[3] = false...
sBuf[0] = 2
bBuf[16] = false, bBuf[17] = true, bBuf[18] = false, bBuf[19] = false...

我想从 short [] 转换为 bool [],但我不知道如何。

Convert.ToBoolean 的 msdn 页面上说,每个 0 值都将转换为 false,每个非 0 值都将转换为 true

bool[] bBuf = new bool[sBuf.Length];
for(int i = 0; i < sBuf.Length; ++i )
    bBuf[i] = Convert.ToBoolean(sBuf[i]);

根据 short 值中设置的位设置你的 bool[] 你可以使用这个:

const int BITS_PER_BYTE = 8; // amount of bits per one byte

int elementBitsSize = sizeof(short) * BITS_PER_BYTE; // size in bits of one element in array
bool[] bBuf = new bool[sBuf.Length * elementBitsSize]; // new array size

// iterate through each short value
for ( int i = 0; i < sBuf.Length; ++i )
    // iterate through bits in that value
    for( int j = 0; j < elementBitsSize; ++j )
        // assign new value
        bBuf[j + i * elementBitsSize] = Convert.ToBoolean(sBuf[i] & (1 << j));

Working example

假设每个 bool 代表其对应的 short 中的一个位(这可能是您将大小乘以 16 的原因),您可以按如下方式进行转换:

bBuf = sBuf
    .SelectMany(s => Enumerable.Range(0, 16).Select(i => (s & (1<<i)) != 0))

想法是通过调用 Enumerable.Range、用 (1 << i) 屏蔽数字并将结果与​​零进行比较,为每个 short 构造 16 个布尔值。

// Convert short to bool
bool[] bBuf = Array.ConvertAll(sBuf, n => n != 0);

// Convert short to bit representation bool array
bool[][] bBuf= Array.ConvertAll(arr, n =>
    bool[] bits = new bool[16];

    for (int index = 0; index < 16; index++)
        bits[index] = (n & (1 << index)) > 0;

    return bits;