在没有 UiBinder 的情况下使用 GWT-Editors

Using GWT-Editors without UiBinder

我想通过使用编辑器绑定 POJO 来改进我的 gwt 项目的代码,我过去常常手动将其来回解析到小部件。但是我发现了 documentation confusing, mostly because it references ui binder,另一个我还没有弄清楚的功能。

在没有 ui 活页夹的情况下使用编辑器是否有意义?我的 ParentDTO 包含许多 childDTO。以下代码段显示了我如何尝试将一些由 TextArea 扩展的 ChildEditor 嵌套到我的 ParentEditor 中(试图将其简化为基本要素):

public class MyEditorPage {

    // editors
    class ParentDTOEditor implements Editor<ParentDTO> {
        Integer dataBaseId;
        List<ChildDTOEditor> childs;

        public void attach(RootPanel rootPanel) {
            for (ChildDTOEditor widget : childs) {
    class ChildDTOEditor implements Editor<ChildDTO> extends TextArea {}

    // driver
    interface Driver extends SimpleBeanEditorDriver<ParentDTO, ParentDTOEditor> {}
    Driver driver = GWT.create(Driver.class);

    // load set widgets to the root panel
    public void loadPage(RootPanel rootPanel) {

        // get pojos from server
            public void onSuccess(ParentDTO result) {
                ParentDTOEditor editor = new ParentDTOEditor();

    // save
    public void save() {
        ParentDTO dto = driver.flush();
        ... // call myService.saveStuff(dto,...

我什至需要单独的编辑器还是只需要一个 ListEditor 类型的父编辑器直接包含子 dtos?

Does it make sense to use editors without ui binder?


Do I even need separate editors or just a parent editor of type ListEditor directly holds the child dtos?

您可以直接创建一个 ListEditor 实现,但是如果您告诉 GWT 如何通过扩展 EditorSource<ChildDTOEditor> 和使用 ListEditor.of(new YourChildDTOEditorSourceImpl())


public class FooEditor extends Composite implements Editor<Foo> {

    // Implement one of uibinder+fields, fields, methods, or LeafValueEditor.set/getValue()

    public FooEditor() {
        initWidget(/* root widget or call to uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this) */)


public class FooListEditor extends Composite implements IsEditor<ListEditor<Foo, FooEditor>> {

    private class FooEditorSource extends EditorSource<FooEditor> {
        public FooEditor create(int index) {
            FooEditor subEditor = new FooEditor();

            // any additional per-item config can go here, e.g wiring up delete handler

            listPanel.insert(subEditor, index);

            return subEditor;

        public void dispose(FooEditor subEditor) {

        public void setIndex(FooEditor subEditor, int index) {
            listPanel.insert(subEditor, index);

    // FlowPanel or anything else you want to use to hold the sub-editors.
    // Instantiated explicitly or through uibinder.
    FlowPanel listPanel = new FlowPanel(); 

    // Let GWT handle the ListEdiotr implementation
    ListEditor<Foo, FooEditor> editor = ListEditor.of(new FooEditorSource());

    public FooListEditor() {
        initWidget(listPanel /* or uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this) */);

    public ListEditor<Foo, FooEditor> asEditor() {
        return editor;



interface Driver extends SimpleBeanEditorDriver<List<Foo>, ListEditor<Foo, FooEditor>> {}
Driver driver = GWT.create(Driver.class);
FooListEditor fooListEditor = new FooListEditor();

/* snip */
