xamarin.mac 应用程序的 Crashlytics

Crashlytics for xamarin.mac application

xamarin.mac应用程序是否有使用 Crashlytics 报告系统的经验?我试图创建绑定库,但出现异常:

"Native linking failed with error code 1"


来自 Fabric 的迈克。

目前 Fabric 不支持基于 Xamarin 的项目。如果情况有变,我会更新我的答案!


Fabric Kits available to use with Xamarin:

Answers Crashlytics Digits For Xamarin.Forms, Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS.

For iOS, you need to create a application with the same bundle id on XCode as the one on your Xamarin app. Then, use the Fabric Mac app to add your app and complete the Kits on-boarding process.

For Android, you need to create a application with the same package name on android studio as the one on your Xamarin app. Then, use the Fabric Mac app to add your app and complete the Kits on-boarding process.

After that, you can follow the instructions on https://www.fabric.io/kits to configure your projects.

For crashlytics on android, there is a hidden configuration, you need to add/update the build id using a string resource

<string name="com.crashlytics.android.build_id">e9e6beb9c4284289ac68b9ab76a9ee56</string>

Or else you'll get a crash on startup.

There is a Sample available on Samples folder.

On iOS, Crashlytics shouldn't be used with Answers. Crashlytics includes Answers, so you should use either.

Code is available on https://github.com/drungrin/Fabric.Sdk.Xamarin

Nuget packages are also published:

https://www.nuget.org/packages/Fabric/ https://www.nuget.org/packages/Answers/ https://www.nuget.org/packages/Crashlytics/ https://www.nuget.org/packages/Digits/


可以找到与@CMash 答案相同的答案后的更详细说明 here