Scheme 中的递归数值相等

Recursive numeric equality in Scheme

似乎 Scheme 认为整数和浮点数的版本在使用 equal? 时是不同的,但在使用 = 比较它们时是相同的:

(equal? 2 2.0)  ; => #f
(= 2 2.0)       ; => #t

但是,如果我有一个包含一些数字部分的递归结构(或者甚至是一个简单的数字列表),是否有使用 = 进行数字比较的方法来比较它们?

(equal? '(2 3) '(2.0 3.0))  ; => #f
(= '(2 3) '(2.0 3.0))       ; error: contract violation


(define myequal?
  (lambda (x y)
    (cond ((and (null? x) (null? y)) #t)
          ((or (null? x) (null? y)) #f)
          ((and (pair? x) (pair? y))
           (and (myequal? (car x) (car y))
                (myequal? (cdr x) (cdr y))))
          ((or (pair? x) (pair? y)) #f)
          ((and (number? x) (number? y)) (= x y))
          ((or (number? x) (number? y)) #f)
          (else (equal? x y)))))

但这似乎是一个足够常见的任务,Scheme 可能有一个内置方法来执行此操作。

Scheme 是一种极简语言,原语很少。 22.0 不是同一个数字,因为 2.0 可以低于也可以高于 2,后者是 2 的确切数量。

如果您有一个包含数字的列表,并希望检查所有内容是否与 = 相同,您可以使用 every from SRFI-1 List Library:

;; include the library. In R5RS this is impleentation specific
;; and worst case you need to load of external file to be portable.
(load "srfi1.scm") 

(every = '(2 3) '(2.0 3.0)) ; ==> #t

在 R6RS 中它变得更简单:


(import (rnrs base)
        (only (srfi :1) every))

(every = '(2 3) '(2.0 3.0)) ; ==> #t

并且由于您已经标记了 Racket,因此您可能不会编写 Scheme,但可能 #lang racket 既支持 SRFI-1 又支持自己的 every 版本,称为 andmap:

#lang racket

(andmap = '(2 3) '(2.0 3.0)) ; ==> #t

(require srfi/1)
(every = '(2 3) '(2.0 3.0)) ; ==> #t


所有树结构的通用解决方案,将自身用于树结构和 equal? 当没有更多类型特定选项时:

(define (make-equal . predicates-and-equal-procedures)
  (when (odd? (length predicates-and-equal-procedures))
    (error "make-equal needs an even number of predicate and equal function arguments"))

  (define (mequal? a b)
    (if (pair? a)
        (and (pair? b)
             (mequal? (car a) (car b))
             (mequal? (cdr a) (cdr b)))
        (let loop ((pe predicates-and-equal-procedures))
          (if (null? pe)
              (equal? a b)
              (let ((p? (car pe)))
                (if (p? a)
                    (and (p? b)
                         ((cadr pe) a b))
                    (loop (cddr pe))))))))

(define list=?
  (make-equal number? =))

(list=? '(1 2 a b "test") '(1.0 2 a b "test")) ; ==> #t

(define equal-ci?
  (make-equal string? string-ci=? char? char-ci=?))

(equal-ci? '(1 2 a b "Test") '(1 2 a b "test")) ; ==> #t

(define inexact-eq-ci?
  (make-equal number? = string? string-ci=? char? char-ci=?))

(inexact-eq-ci? '(1 2 a b "test") '(1.0 2 a b "TEST")) ; ==> #t

在 Racket 中,您可以在 equal?/recur 内置过程的帮助下构建您想要的平等概念:

;; equalish? : Any Any -> Boolean
;; Like equal?, but use = for numbers (including within compound data)
(define (equalish? a b)
  (if (and (number? a) (number? b))
      (= a b)
      (equal?/recur a b equalish?)))

(equalish? '(2 3) '(2.0 3.0))
;; => #t

equal?/recur 过程通过对、结构等处理循环