Iterate throuh list to determine hierarchy level of elements
有一个项目列表,其中包含一个名为 "HierarchyLevel" 的字段(String 的类型),它确定元素的层次结构,如下所示:Link to image .
我的目标是实现一个 class,其中包含有关每个元素的父项和子项的信息。
到目前为止我有这个 class:
class TreeNode<DBItem>
public DBItem Value { get; private set; }
public List<TreeNode<DBItem>> Children = new List<TreeNode<DBItem>>();
public TreeNode<DBItem> Parent { get; private set; }
public string Level { get; private set; }
public TreeNode (DBItem item, string level)
this.Value = item;
this.Level = level;
public TreeNode<DBItem> this[int i]
get { return this.Children[i]; }
public TreeNode<DBItem> AddChild(DBItem item, string level)
TreeNode<DBItem> node = new TreeNode<DBItem>(item, level) { Parent = this };
return node;
TreeNode<DBItem> parent = new TreeNode<DBItem>(neededItems[0], "1");
foreach (var doc in neededItems)
string level = doc.GetStringValue("HierarchyLevel");
if (level.StartsWith("1.")&& level.Length < 5)
var child1 = parent.AddChild(doc, level);
foreach (var child in neededItems)
string level1 = child.GetStringValue("HierarchyLevel");
if (level1.StartsWith("1."+level))
child1.AddChild(child, level1);
- 所有项目的字典(帮助查找父节点)
- a 根节点列表(如果有超过 1 个根)
- 按层次结构深度排序的 DBItem 对象列表(1.01 之前为 1)
class so43271922
public so43271922()
[DebuggerDisplay("HierarchyLevel = {HierarchyLevel}")]
public class DBItem
public string Name { get; private set; }
public string HierarchyLevel { get; private set; }
public DBItem(string name, string hierarchyLevel)
this.Name = name;
this.HierarchyLevel = hierarchyLevel;
// Dummy list of DB Item objects
public readonly DBItem[] listItems = new DBItem[] {
new DBItem("Element 1", "1"),
new DBItem("Element 1.01", "1.01"),
new DBItem("Element 1.01.01", "1.01.01"),
new DBItem("Element 1.01.02", "1.01.02"),
new DBItem("Element 1.02", "1.02"),
new DBItem("Element 1.02.01", "1.02.01"),
new DBItem("Element 1.03", "1.03")
[DebuggerDisplay("HierarchyLevel = {Value.HierarchyLevel}")]
public class Node
public static IReadOnlyDictionary<string,Node> AllNodes { get { return allNodes; } }
public static IReadOnlyCollection<Node> Roots { get { return roots; } }
/// <summary>
/// Stores references to all nodex, using HierarchyLevel as key
/// </summary>
private static Dictionary<string, Node> allNodes = new Dictionary<string, Node>();
/// <summary>
/// Stores references to root nodes
/// </summary>
private static List<Node> roots = new List<Node>();
public DBItem Value { get; private set; }
public Node Parent { get; private set; }
public List<Node> Children { get; private set; }
public int Level { get; private set; }
public Node(DBItem li)
this.Children = new List<Node>();
this.Value = li;
allNodes.Add(li.HierarchyLevel, this);
if (li.HierarchyLevel.Contains("."))
var parentHier = li.HierarchyLevel.Substring(0, li.HierarchyLevel.LastIndexOf("."));
this.Parent = allNodes[parentHier];
this.Level = this.Parent.Level + 1;
this.Parent = null;
this.Level = 0;
public void generateHierarchy()
// Sort all items by: hierarchy depth, then by hierarchy level value
var sortedItems = listItems
.OrderBy(i => i.HierarchyLevel.Count(c => c == '.')); // 1 before 1.01
foreach (var item in sortedItems)
new Node(item);
var hier = Node.Roots;
有一个项目列表,其中包含一个名为 "HierarchyLevel" 的字段(String 的类型),它确定元素的层次结构,如下所示:Link to image . 树结构如下所示:
我的目标是实现一个 class,其中包含有关每个元素的父项和子项的信息。 到目前为止我有这个 class:
class TreeNode<DBItem>
public DBItem Value { get; private set; }
public List<TreeNode<DBItem>> Children = new List<TreeNode<DBItem>>();
public TreeNode<DBItem> Parent { get; private set; }
public string Level { get; private set; }
public TreeNode (DBItem item, string level)
this.Value = item;
this.Level = level;
public TreeNode<DBItem> this[int i]
get { return this.Children[i]; }
public TreeNode<DBItem> AddChild(DBItem item, string level)
TreeNode<DBItem> node = new TreeNode<DBItem>(item, level) { Parent = this };
return node;
TreeNode<DBItem> parent = new TreeNode<DBItem>(neededItems[0], "1");
foreach (var doc in neededItems)
string level = doc.GetStringValue("HierarchyLevel");
if (level.StartsWith("1.")&& level.Length < 5)
var child1 = parent.AddChild(doc, level);
foreach (var child in neededItems)
string level1 = child.GetStringValue("HierarchyLevel");
if (level1.StartsWith("1."+level))
child1.AddChild(child, level1);
但显然这是一种糟糕的做法。 我想获得一些关于如何正确遍历列表的帮助和建议。
- 所有项目的字典(帮助查找父节点)
- a 根节点列表(如果有超过 1 个根)
- 按层次结构深度排序的 DBItem 对象列表(1.01 之前为 1)
class so43271922
public so43271922()
[DebuggerDisplay("HierarchyLevel = {HierarchyLevel}")]
public class DBItem
public string Name { get; private set; }
public string HierarchyLevel { get; private set; }
public DBItem(string name, string hierarchyLevel)
this.Name = name;
this.HierarchyLevel = hierarchyLevel;
// Dummy list of DB Item objects
public readonly DBItem[] listItems = new DBItem[] {
new DBItem("Element 1", "1"),
new DBItem("Element 1.01", "1.01"),
new DBItem("Element 1.01.01", "1.01.01"),
new DBItem("Element 1.01.02", "1.01.02"),
new DBItem("Element 1.02", "1.02"),
new DBItem("Element 1.02.01", "1.02.01"),
new DBItem("Element 1.03", "1.03")
[DebuggerDisplay("HierarchyLevel = {Value.HierarchyLevel}")]
public class Node
public static IReadOnlyDictionary<string,Node> AllNodes { get { return allNodes; } }
public static IReadOnlyCollection<Node> Roots { get { return roots; } }
/// <summary>
/// Stores references to all nodex, using HierarchyLevel as key
/// </summary>
private static Dictionary<string, Node> allNodes = new Dictionary<string, Node>();
/// <summary>
/// Stores references to root nodes
/// </summary>
private static List<Node> roots = new List<Node>();
public DBItem Value { get; private set; }
public Node Parent { get; private set; }
public List<Node> Children { get; private set; }
public int Level { get; private set; }
public Node(DBItem li)
this.Children = new List<Node>();
this.Value = li;
allNodes.Add(li.HierarchyLevel, this);
if (li.HierarchyLevel.Contains("."))
var parentHier = li.HierarchyLevel.Substring(0, li.HierarchyLevel.LastIndexOf("."));
this.Parent = allNodes[parentHier];
this.Level = this.Parent.Level + 1;
this.Parent = null;
this.Level = 0;
public void generateHierarchy()
// Sort all items by: hierarchy depth, then by hierarchy level value
var sortedItems = listItems
.OrderBy(i => i.HierarchyLevel.Count(c => c == '.')); // 1 before 1.01
foreach (var item in sortedItems)
new Node(item);
var hier = Node.Roots;