cfldap 是否允许 cfqueryparam?

Does cfldap allow cfqueryparam?

我想防止 SQL 注入攻击。我们有一个表单,要求用户提供 AD 用户名和密码。然后我们的处理代码看起来像这样:

<cfldap name="ldap_result" action="query" server="999.999.999.999" 

我永远不会 运行 没有 cfqueryparam(包装用户名和密码输入)的用户输入查询,但 cfldap 是否可以使用类似的东西? (如果这有所作为,我们将使用 CF10。)



Attribute validation error for tag CFLDAP.It does not allow the attribute(s) CFSQLTYPE,VALUE.

不,您不能在 cfldap 标签中使用 cfqueryparam 标签。 cfqueryparam 专门用于 SQL 查询。不过,您的想法是正确的。 永远不要相信用户输入

cfldap 标签本身确实为您提供了一些保护。

LDAP injection

ColdFusion uses the <cfldap> tag to communicate with LDAP servers. This tag has an ACTION attribute that dictates the query performed against the LDAP. The valid values for this attribute are: add, delete, query (default), modify, and modifyDN. All <cfldap> calls are turned into JNDI (Java Naming And Directory Interface) lookups. However, because <cfldap> wraps the calls, it will throw syntax errors if native JNDI code is passed to its attributes, making LDAP injection more difficult.

来自 ColdFusion 8 developer security guidelines which you should read if you have not done so already. It was written for ColdFusion 8 but much if not all of it is still relevant. There is an updated version of the document for ColdFusion 11 的第 14 页,但它实际上也引用了版本 8 文档作为参考。

我建议您在这里使用白名单方法。您的活动目录对用户名和密码字段有特定要求;只有小写和大写字母、数字等。创建一个正则表达式来检查用户输入的那些有效字符。如果任一字段包含任何其他内容,则拒绝提交并且不 运行 cfldap 调用。