
Crystal Report Error. Failed to open the connection

我在 Crystal 报告中遇到问题。我在一台服务器上有 MySQL 数据库,在另一台服务器上有 C# 网站。我的网站可以很好地显示一些报告,但其他报告显示以下错误。 所有 Crystal 报告在本地主机上运行良好。

错误: Failed to open the connection. Failed to open the connection. ADP_ReportSR1 253736_80084_{B18FB39E-5489-4D73-ACAE-50ACE7A17E83}.rpt


看看Solution: Failed to Open the Connection

The computer has to be configured to connect to the datasource referenced in the report.

Setup the system the same way as the computer used to design the reports. Install the same database drivers [...]. Give them the same name.

另请参阅 Crystal: Failed to open Connection and Error: Failed To Open The Connection