Ionic + Jasmine + Tslint - 属性 'and' 类型不存在

Ionic + Jasmine + Tslint - Property 'and' does not exist on type

各位。我正在基于此 boilerplate 构建一个 Ionic 应用程序。 现在,我正在为一个特定的页面构建测试,我正在使用 jasmine 来模拟提供者并为这些方法设置预期的行为。 这就是 beforeEach() 方法的样子:

    beforeEach(() => {
          mockLoadingController = jasmine.createSpyObj('ModalController', ['create', 'present', 'dismiss']);

          mockModalController =  jasmine.createSpyObj('LoadingController', ['create', 'present',
            'onDidDismiss', 'dismiss']);

          mockGeolocation =  jasmine.createSpyObj('Geolocation', ['getCurrentPosition']);

          mockGeolocation.getCurrentPosition.and.callFake(( ) => {
            return {then: ( ) => { }};
          mockEvents = jasmine.createSpyObj('Events', ['publish', 'subscribe']);
            schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA],
            providers: [
              { provide: NavController, useValue: mockNavController },
              { provide: LoadingController, useValue: mockLoadingController },
              { provide: ModalController, useValue: mockModalController },
              { provide: Geolocation, useValue: mockGeolocation },
              { provide: Events, useValue: mockEvents },
    ); } );

当我为 getCurrentPosition 方法定义承诺 return 时,问题就开始了:

    mockGeolocation.getCurrentPosition.and.callFake(( ) => {
            return {then: ( ) => { }};

我在测试时使用 tslint,它给了我以下错误

ERROR in [at-loader] ./src/pages/location/ 
    TS2339: Property 'and' does not exist on type '(options?: GeolocationOptions) => Promise<Geoposition>'.

问题是:我怎样才能克服这个问题,使 TSLint 不再抱怨这段代码?

问题解决了! 我忘了详细说明我声明变量的方式:

describe('Location Page', () => {
  let mockLoadingController: any;
  let mockModalController: any;
  let mockGeolocation: Geolocation;
  let mockEvents: Events;
  beforeEach(() => {
  //rest of the code here

如您所见,我为 mockGeolocation 变量定义了一个类型,并将其他类型设置为 any。将所有变量设置为 any 与 jasmine 完美配合,并且不会在 tslint 中产生错误。


describe('Location Page', () => {
  let mockLoadingController: any;
  let mockModalController: any;
  let mockGeolocation: any;
  let mockEvents: any;
  beforeEach(() => {


  let mockGeolocation: jasmine.SpyObj<Geolocation>;
  let mockEvents: jasmine.SpyObj<Events>;