为什么 F# 不支持使用类型缩写扩展系统类型?

Why does F# fail to support extending system type with its type abbreviation?

例如,如果我尝试扩展 int,其中 int 不是类型的真实名称,此代码将失败:

type int with
member this.IsEven = this % 2 = 0


type System.Int32 with
member this.IsEven = this % 2 = 0

let i = 20
if i.IsEven then printfn "'%i' is even" i

为什么我不能使用类型缩写 int

我认为 Will 的回答基本上是正确的 - 默认情况下未实现功能。然而,另一个可能的原因是类型缩写是有范围的,所以缩写的范围是否应该影响扩展的范围并不是很明显。例如:

module X =
    type t = int

module Y =
    // imagine we could hypothetically do this
    type X.t with
        member i.IsEven = i % 2 = 0

open Y
fun (x:System.Int32) -> x.IsEven // should this compile even though t isn't in scope here?