Python - Prim 的数组算法实现
Python - Prim's Algorithm Implementation with Array
我正在尝试使用 Python 3 实现 Prim 算法,计算它生成的 MST 的总权重。我正在做一些不寻常的事情,使用 "array" 来跟踪未访问的节点。
def Prim(Graph):
# row 1 is "still in R"
# row 2 is the connector vertex
# row 3 is the cost
total = 0
A = []
n = len(Graph)
A = [[None for x in range(0, n)] for y in range(1, 4)]
#Debugging purposes
for x in range(1, n):
A[0][x] = 'Y'
A[1][x] = 0
A[2][x] = 0
for neighbour in Graph[1]:
A[1][neighbour-1] = 1
A[2][neighbour-1] = Graph[1][neighbour]
#Debugging purposes
#print("Neighbour: ", neighbour, "Weight: ", Graph[1][neighbour])
current = 1
T = [current]
MST_edges = {}
count = 0
while len(T) < n:
x = search_min(current, A)
MST_edges[x] = A[1][x]
A[0][x] = 'N'
total += A[2][x]
for neighbour in Graph[x]:
if A[0][neighbour-1] != 'N':
if Graph[x][neighbour] < A[2][neighbour-1]:
A[1][neighbour-1] = x
A[2][neighbour-1] = Graph[x][neighbour]
count += 1
current = T[count]
return total
def search_min(current, A):
minimum_cost = 100
minimum_vertex = 1
for x in range(1,len(A[0])):
if A[1][x] != None and A[0][x] != 'N' and A[2][x] < minimum_cost:
minimum_cost = A[2][x]
minimum_vertex = x
## print("x", x)
## print("cost",minimum_cost)
## print("vertex",x)
return minimum_vertex
它有时给我的权重低得离谱,比如 20(这几乎是不可能的,因为所有边的最小权重都是 10)。问题可能出在 while 循环中:
while len(T) < n:
x = search_min(current, A)
MST_edges[x] = A[1][x]
A[0][x] = 'N'
total += A[2][x]
for neighbour in Graph[x]:
if A[0][neighbour-1] != 'N':
if A[2][neighbour-1] != None and Graph[x][neighbour] < A[2][neighbour-1]:
A[1][neighbour-1] = x
A[2][neighbour-1] = Graph[x][neighbour]
count += 1
current = T[count]
EDIT 这是它生成的 MST 的示例。由于某种原因,存在权重为 0 的边的顶点。
图 = construct_graph(20)
Prim(图) {3: 0, 5: 0, 8: 0, 16: 0, 6: 5, 9: 3, 7: 8, 11: 5, 15: 11, 12: 11, 2: 8, 18 : 2, 19: 2, 1: 19, 10: 19, 14: 10, 17: 5, 13: 16, 4: 1}
(仔细看我的代码,你可以看到对于值 x:y,x 是顶点的值,而 y 是连接边的权重。由于某种原因,顶点权重为 0)
A[2][x] = 0
A[2][x] = math.inf
这样数组就不会意外地看到 'woot, edge with 0 weights',因为那应该意味着它没有连接。所以这完全取决于为非法值输入什么。
我正在尝试使用 Python 3 实现 Prim 算法,计算它生成的 MST 的总权重。我正在做一些不寻常的事情,使用 "array" 来跟踪未访问的节点。
def Prim(Graph):
# row 1 is "still in R"
# row 2 is the connector vertex
# row 3 is the cost
total = 0
A = []
n = len(Graph)
A = [[None for x in range(0, n)] for y in range(1, 4)]
#Debugging purposes
for x in range(1, n):
A[0][x] = 'Y'
A[1][x] = 0
A[2][x] = 0
for neighbour in Graph[1]:
A[1][neighbour-1] = 1
A[2][neighbour-1] = Graph[1][neighbour]
#Debugging purposes
#print("Neighbour: ", neighbour, "Weight: ", Graph[1][neighbour])
current = 1
T = [current]
MST_edges = {}
count = 0
while len(T) < n:
x = search_min(current, A)
MST_edges[x] = A[1][x]
A[0][x] = 'N'
total += A[2][x]
for neighbour in Graph[x]:
if A[0][neighbour-1] != 'N':
if Graph[x][neighbour] < A[2][neighbour-1]:
A[1][neighbour-1] = x
A[2][neighbour-1] = Graph[x][neighbour]
count += 1
current = T[count]
return total
def search_min(current, A):
minimum_cost = 100
minimum_vertex = 1
for x in range(1,len(A[0])):
if A[1][x] != None and A[0][x] != 'N' and A[2][x] < minimum_cost:
minimum_cost = A[2][x]
minimum_vertex = x
## print("x", x)
## print("cost",minimum_cost)
## print("vertex",x)
return minimum_vertex
它有时给我的权重低得离谱,比如 20(这几乎是不可能的,因为所有边的最小权重都是 10)。问题可能出在 while 循环中:
while len(T) < n:
x = search_min(current, A)
MST_edges[x] = A[1][x]
A[0][x] = 'N'
total += A[2][x]
for neighbour in Graph[x]:
if A[0][neighbour-1] != 'N':
if A[2][neighbour-1] != None and Graph[x][neighbour] < A[2][neighbour-1]:
A[1][neighbour-1] = x
A[2][neighbour-1] = Graph[x][neighbour]
count += 1
current = T[count]
EDIT 这是它生成的 MST 的示例。由于某种原因,存在权重为 0 的边的顶点。
图 = construct_graph(20) Prim(图) {3: 0, 5: 0, 8: 0, 16: 0, 6: 5, 9: 3, 7: 8, 11: 5, 15: 11, 12: 11, 2: 8, 18 : 2, 19: 2, 1: 19, 10: 19, 14: 10, 17: 5, 13: 16, 4: 1}
(仔细看我的代码,你可以看到对于值 x:y,x 是顶点的值,而 y 是连接边的权重。由于某种原因,顶点权重为 0)
A[2][x] = 0
A[2][x] = math.inf
这样数组就不会意外地看到 'woot, edge with 0 weights',因为那应该意味着它没有连接。所以这完全取决于为非法值输入什么。