Python:使用生成器在 str.rstrip() 的 for 循环中解析多行记录

Python: Parsing multi line-records in a for loop with str.rstrip() using generators


def foo(f):
  with open(f, "r") as f:
    for n, s in zip(f, f):
      #something with `n` and `s`

是否可以直接在 for 循环行中 str.rstrip 还是我需要在 for 循环体内单独进行。这不起作用 for n, s in zip(f.rstrip(), f.rstrip()):



这些解决方案来自 Barmar 的回答和下面 PaulCornelius 的评论:

def foo2(f):
  with open(f, "r") as f:
    for n, s in zip ((line.rstrip() for line in f), (line.rstrip() for line in f)): 
      #Do something with `n` and `s`

def foo3(f):
  with open(f, "r") as f:
    g = (line.rstrip() for line in f)
    for n, s in zip(g, g):
      #Do something with `n` and `s`

更新 2:


def foo4(f1, f2):
  with open(f1, "r") as f1, open(f2, "r") as f2:
    g1, g2 = (line.rstrip() for line in f1), (line.rstrip() for line in f2)
    for n1, s1, n2, s2 in zip(g1, g1, g2, g2):
      #Do something with `n1`, `s2, `n2` and `s2`


for n1, n2 in zip([line.rstrip() for line in f1], [line.rstrip() for line in f1]):

但这不会一次处理两行文件。每个列表理解处理整个文件,因此 n1n2 将是相同行的副本。


for n1, n2 in zip ((line.rstrip() for line in f1), (line.rstrip() for line in f1)):