在 pascal define 中传递参数

Pass parameter in pascal define

我正在尝试用 pascal (freepascal) 定义一些东西。 与在 C++ 中一样,您可以像这样传递变量定义宏:

#define REP(i,k) for(int i=0; i<k; i++)

你如何用 Pascal 实现?

我在第一行添加了{$MACRO ON}命令,结果它可以运行正常定义而没有错误,如{$define lala:='hello world'}

但是当我尝试 {define lala(i):=i} 程序出现错误。

如何在 Pascal define 中传递可变参数?

使用外部预处理器,并在对结果使用 Pascal 编译器之前在构建系统中执行它。

FPC 宏系统不是用于元编程,而是用于在 headers 中调用约定宏,仅用于压缩 enable/disable 逻辑(如 home-brewn 断言和其他调试日志代码)和不支持参数化。

非 hygienic 宏与 Pascal 单位系统根本不兼容,而 hygienic 宏被内联覆盖 function/procedures。



const ACME_1 = ACME_3;
const ACME_2 = pred(1 shl ACME_1);
type  ACME_0 = 0..ACME_2;
//clear the passed in parameters so they can be reused in the next inclusion
{$undef ACME_0}{$undef ACME_1}{$undef ACME_2}{$undef ACME_3}           


{$macro on}

{$define  ACME_0:=TAllocationPatchIndex}
{$define  ACME_1:=TAllocationPatchIndex_bits}
{$define  ACME_2:=TAllocationPatchIndex_high}
{$define  ACME_3:=16}
{$Include ACME_Integer.inc} 

{$define  ACME_0:=TAllocationId}
{$define  ACME_1:=TAllocationId_bits}
{$define  ACME_2:=TAllocationId_high}
{$define  ACME_3:=28}
{$Include ACME_Integer.inc} 


const TAllocationPatchIndex_bits = 16;
const TAllocationPatchIndex_high = pred(1 shl TAllocationPatchIndex_bits);
type  TAllocationPatchIndex= 0..TAllocationPatchIndex_high;

const TAllocationId_bits = 28;
const TAllocationId_high = pred(1 shl TAllocationId_bits);
type  TAllocationId= 0..TAllocationId_high;


更新 - 使用 named/optional 个参数的更复杂的宏


     {$ifdef ACME_packed_array}
         {$undef ACME_array}
         {$define ACME_array:=ACME_packed_array}

         {$undef ACME_array_decl}
         {$define ACME_array_decl:=packed array}

          {$ifdef ACME_bitpacked_array}

             {$undef ACME_array}
             {$define ACME_array:=ACME_bitpacked_array}

             {$undef ACME_array_decl}
             {$define ACME_array_decl:=bitpacked array}

               {$undef ACME_array_decl}
               {$define ACME_array_decl:=array}

     {$ifndef ACME_array_type}
         {$define ACME_array_type:=byte}

     {$ifdef ACME_bitconst}
        // we want to keep the X_bits constant
        const ACME_bitconst = ACME_bits; //X_bits
        {$ifdef ACME_high}
        // we want to keep the X_high constant
        const ACME_high = pred(1 shl ACME_bitconst);    //X_high
        type  ACME_type = 0..ACME_high;             //X
        // we don't care about keeping the X_high constant
        type  ACME_type = 0..pred(1 shl ACME_bitconst); //X
       {$ifdef ACME_high}
          // we don't care about keeping the X_bits constant
          const ACME_high = pred(1 shl ACME_bits); //X_high
          type  ACME_type = 0..ACME_high;          //X
          // we don't care about keeping the X_high or X_bits constants
          type  ACME_type = 0..pred(1 shl ACME_bits); //X

    {$ifdef ACME_array}

      type  ACME_array = ACME_array_decl [ACME_type] of ACME_array_type;

      {$ifdef ACME_array_length}
          const ACME_array_length = sizeof(ACME_array);

      {$ifdef ACME_array_pointer}
        type  ACME_array_pointer=^ACME_array;

      {$undef ACME_array}

{$undef ACME_type}
{$undef ACME_bitconst}
{$undef ACME_high}
{$undef ACME_bits}
{$undef ACME_packed_array}
{$undef ACME_bitpacked_array}
{$undef ACME_array}
{$undef ACME_array_pointer}
{$undef ACME_array_type}
{$undef ACME_array_decl}
{$undef ACME_array_length}


{$macro on}

{$define  ACME_type:=TSha256IndexSliceMagic}
{$define  ACME_bitconst:=TSha256IndexSliceMagic_bits}
{$define  ACME_high:=TSha256IndexSliceMagic_high}
{$define  ACME_bits:=17}
{$Include ACME_Integer.inc}

{$define  ACME_type:=TSha256DataBufferIndex}
{$define  ACME_bitconst:=TSha256DataBufferIndex_bits}
{$define  ACME_high:=TSha256DataBufferIndex_high}
{$define  ACME_bits:=9}
{$define  ACME_packed_array:=TSha256DataBuffer}
{$define  ACME_array_pointer:=PSha256DataBuffer}
{$Include ACME_Integer.inc}        


const TSha256IndexSliceMagic_bits = 17;
const TSha256IndexSliceMagic_high = pred(1 shl TSha256IndexSliceMagic_bits);  
type  TSha256IndexSliceMagic= 0..TSha256IndexSliceMagic_high;

const TSha256DataBufferIndex_bits = 9;
const TSha256DataBufferIndex_high = pred(1 shl TSha256DataBufferIndex_bits);  
type  TSha256DataBufferIndex= 0..TSha256DataBufferIndex_high;
type  TSha256DataBuffer = packed array [TSha256DataBufferIndex] of byte;
type  PSha256DataBuffer = ^TSha256DataBuffer;