应用程序登录适用于 chrome,但不适用于设备

app login works in chrome, but not on device

我有一个带有登录屏幕的离子应用程序。当我输入正确的用户名和密码时,它在我的电脑 chrome 上工作正常。但是当我在设备上做同样的事情时,它会出现以下错误:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) controllers.js:130 response error is = 

这是我的 controller.js 代码:

$scope.enterlogin = function(usern,pass)
    var config = {
      params: { uname: usern, passw: pass }

    var url = 'http://xx.xx.x.xxx/UserService3/WebService1.asmx';
    $http.get(url + '/getUserbyUsername' + '?uname=' + usern + '&passw=' + pass ).success(function(response) {
    // stuff
        console.log('response is = ' + JSON.stringify(response));
        if(response['IsExisting'] == null)
            console.log('null existing = ' + response['IsExisting']);
            alert('Please check your credentials. Account does not exist.');
            console.log('not null existing = ' + response['IsExisting']);
            console.log('setuserid = ' + sharedProperties3.getUserID());

             if($window.localStorage.getItem('has_run') == '') 
                //do some stuff if has not loaded before
                $window.localStorage.setItem('has_run', 'true');

    .error(function(response) {
    // error stuff
        console.log('response error is = ' + response);

我可以使用我的 phone 的 browser/chrome 查看网络服务,我已经安装了白名单插件并将其添加到我的 index.html 文件中:

 meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src *; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'"


我将此添加到 config.xml 文件:

 <access origin="*" />