在 AppleScript 和 BBEdit 中如何检查链接?

In AppleScript and BBEdit how can you check links?

在BBEdit中有Markup -> Check -> Document Links快捷方式下的命令cmd+control+k 检查所有链接。当我查看 BBEdit > HTML Scripting -> check links 下的字典时,它显示:


set theResult to check links of active document of project window 1

当我尝试根据文件名进行检查时,出现 item 错误:

set foobar to (name of active document of project window 1) as string
set theResult to check links of foobar


set projectPath to file of project document 1
set theResult to check links of projectPath

我得到了 {} 的 returned。认为这是不添加 with show results 的问题,我将其更改为:

set theResult to check links of projectPath with show results

但我得到 return 的 activate

当我搜索 Google 时,我无法找到关于是否可以 return 布尔值的解决方案,以判断 HTML 文件中的链接在编写脚本时是否有效通过内容。所以我的问题是,如何让 AppleScript 告诉我链接在 BBEdit 中有效 check links?


set theFile to ((path to documents folder) as string) & "test.html"
set theResult to check links of file theFile

要使用系统事件来按键,您可以使用单独的 tell 块,或者像这样创建一个处理程序。

on checkLinks()
    tell application "System Events"
        keystroke "k" using {command down, control down}
    end tell
end checkLinks


my checkLinks()


tell application "BBEdit"
    set theFilePathOfFrontProject to file of text document 1 -- get the path of the selected file in the front project window
    set theResult to (check links of theFilePathOfFrontProject) is {}
    if theResult  then
        display dialog "All links appear to be valid"
        display dialog "Some links appear to be not valid"
    end if
end tell


set projectPath to file of project document 1,此命令 return 项目的路径(检查此文件上的链接将始终 return 一个空列表),路径将为 file "fullpath:someName.bbprojectd" , 不是选中的HTML文件在工程中的路径

获取项目所有文件的路径:set allFilePaths to project collections of project document 1 -- list of paths