使用 python 通过查询 "value" *1000 更新 Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch update by query "value" *1000 using python

我每次都使用 python 中的这个程序来更新我在 elasticsearch 上的数据库的字符串字段。 现在我想将 Field 的 a 值乘以 1000,new_Value= Old_Value*1000 有人可以告诉我,我必须更改我的代码吗?

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
es = Elasticsearch()

index_to_search = 'testindex'
doc_type= 'trends'

Ergebnisse = es.search( index = index_to_search, doc_type = doc_type, size = 100,body = {"query":{"bool":{"must":[{"range":{"Value":{"gt":"0"}}}],"must_not":[],"should":[]}},"from":0,"size":1000,"sort":[]}

data = (Ergebnisse ['hits']['hits'] )    
print('Alle Suchergebnisse: ', data)

for Eintrag in data:
        Sensor = Eintrag
        sensortupel = {"Index": Sensor['_index'],"Value":Sensor['_source']['Value']}
        OldValue= float(sensortupel['Value'])
        print("\nOldValue:", OldValue)
        NewValue = OldValue *1000
        q = {
        "query": {
        "match_all": {}
        "script": {
        "inline": "ctx._source.Value= NewValue",
        # write the name of field and with which new value should be updated  
        result = es.update_by_query(body=q, doc_type=doc_type, index=index_to_search)
        print('Result is : ', result



"inline": "ctx._source.Value={}".format(NewValue), # change it in code above 


如果我没听错的话,你是在尝试将 ctx._source.Value 设置为 NewValue

如果将 "inline": "ctx._source.Value= NewValue", 替换为 "inline": "ctx._source.Value={}".format(NewValue), 会怎样?