在类型结构的链表中查找元素 (VB.NET)

Finding Element in a Linked List of Type Structure (VB.NET)


Public Structure MyStructure
    Public name As String
    Public dataType As String
    Public address As String
End Structure


Private MyList As New LinkedList(Of MyStructure)


您最好使用 class 而不是结构:

Public Class MyFoo
    Public Property name As String
    Public Property dataType As String
    Public Property address As String
End Class


Dim lst As New LinkedList(Of MyFoo)

lst.AddFirst(New MyFoo With {.name = "Ziggy", .address = "here", .dataType = "foo"})
lst.AddFirst(New MyFoo With {.name = "Zoey", .address = "there", .dataType = "bar"})
lst.AddFirst(New MyFoo With {.name = "Curly", .address = "nowhere", .dataType = "any"})

Dim item = lst.FirstOrDefault(Function(x) x.name = "Ziggy")
If item IsNot Nothing Then
    ' do something
End If

确实没有办法避免循环 - 某些地方必须迭代集合才能找到 "Ziggy"(或 "readings");在这里,我们只是不需要为它编写代码。


FirstOrDefault 将 return Nothing。由于 Structure 是一种值类型,因此它永远不可能是 Nothing(尽管它可以 包含 Nothing)。结果,行 If item IsNot Nothing 导致语法错误。

我想对于结构,您可以使用 String.IsNullOrEmpty 来测试名称是否已填写,但我只会使用 class.