可以在 Observable 订阅方法中包含逻辑吗?

Is it ok to include logic inside an Observable subscribe method?

我在看@john_lindquist 关于 RxJS 的 egghead 教程,他强调了不包括业务逻辑而不是 .subscribe() 方法的观点。

所以我正在创建一个 canActivate 保护程序来防止用户转到无效路由,我不得不在订阅方法中构建逻辑。有更好的方法吗?

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { CanActivate, ActivatedRouteSnapshot, Router } from '@angular/router';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs/Subscription';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs/Subject';

import { Apollo, ApolloQueryObservable } from 'apollo-angular';

import { GQTicketId } from './ticket.model';

export class TicketRouteActivatorService implements CanActivate {

  public ticket;
  private returnTrue: Subject<Boolean> = new Subject<Boolean>();
  private ticketSubscription: Subscription;

  constructor(private apollo: Apollo, 
              private router: Router) { }

  canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot ) {

    this.ticketSubscription = this.apollo.watchQuery({
      query: GQTicketId,
      variables: {
        _id: +route.params['id']
      this.ticket = data['ticket'];

      // this doesn't seem right, atleast based on the guidance from John Linquidst. Should this logic be "Rx'd" some how?
      if(!this.ticket) {
      } else {


      if (this.returnTrue) return true;

  // do we need to unsubscribe?
  ngOnDestroy():void {


要回答您的问题,还有一种更 'RxJS-friendly' 的方法可以满足您的需求。 ("Better"见仁见智)。所以,例如,如果我要实现这个,我会这样做:

canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot) {

  // canActivate can return an Observable - 
  // the Observable emitting a true or false value
  // is similar to returning an explicit true or false
  // but by returning the observable, you let the router
  // manage the subscription (and unsubscription) instead of doing it yourself
  // doing this removes the need for the `unsubscribe` in your code
  return this.apollo.watchQuery({
    query: GQTicketId,
    variables: {
      _id: +route.params['id']
  // there should be no arguing about this point -
  // you only care about the data['ticket'] property,
  // not the entire data object, so let's map our observable
  // to only deal with ticket
  .map(response => response.data.ticket)
  // you want to do a side effect if ticket is falsy
  // so the do operator is your best friend for side effect code
  .do(ticket => {
    if(!ticket) {


canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot) {

  return this.apollo.watchQuery({
    query: GQTicketId,
    variables: {
      _id: +route.params['id']
  }).map(response => response.data.ticket)
    .do(ticket => {
        if(!ticket) {

我看过 John 的视频,但现在不记得具体内容了。但是,RxJS 的关键要点在于,通过正确使用运算符,您通常可以删除大量命令式代码,否则这些代码最终会出现在 subscribe 方法中。这并不意味着使用 subscribe 本身是不好的——只是在 subscribe 中具有逻辑通常表明您没有充分发挥 RxJS 的潜力。