如何在 Corona 中使用 "back" 硬件按钮?

How to use "back" hardware button in Corona?

我想在触摸底部面板上的后退按钮("home"、"menu")时触发暂停菜单场景,但我不知道该怎么做。这可以在 Corona SDK 中实现吗?

您将 key 事件的侦听器添加到应响应关键事件的场景中的运行时。这是返回键必备;没有它,系统将退出(即退出)应用程序。假设一个 scene 对象,你可以这样做:

function scene:key(event)

    if ( event.keyName == "back" ) then

          -- handle the back key press however you choose

Runtime:addEventListener( "key", scene )

有关 key 事件的详细信息,请参阅 the Corona documentation

至于“暂停菜单场景”,你可能想用一个overlay。来自 composer.showOverlay() 的文档:

This function loads an overlay scene above the currently active scene (the parent scene), leaving the parent scene intact. When an overlay is shown, an overlay-specific scene event parameter, event.parent, will be dispatched to the overlay scene.

This parameter provides you with a reference to the parent scene object so that you may call functions/methods within it.