pg_dump & pg_restore 密码使用 python 模块子进程

pg_dump & pg_restore password using python module subprocess

问题: 在 Python 脚本中使用 PSQL pg_dumppg_restore 并使用 subprocess 模块。

背景: 我正在使用来自本地主机(即 Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS)的以下 python 2.7 脚本来创建 table 的备份在 PSQL 服务器(即 PostgreSQL 9.4.11)中,并将其恢复到较新版本的 PSQL 服务器(即 PostgreSQL 9.6.2)中的远程主机(即 Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS)。


from subprocess import PIPE,Popen

def dump_table(host_name,database_name,user_name,database_password,table_name):

    command = 'pg_dump -h {0} -d {1} -U {2} -p 5432 -t public.{3} -Fc -f /tmp/table.dmp'\

    p = Popen(command,shell=True,stdin=PIPE)

    return p.communicate('{}\n'.format(database_password))

def restore_table(host_name,database_name,user_name,database_password):

    command = 'pg_restore -h {0} -d {1} -U {2} < /tmp/table.dmp'\

    p = Popen(command,shell=True,stdin=PIPE)

    return p.communicate('{}\n'.format(database_password))

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":

当我按上述顺序使用函数时,dump_table() 函数成功完成并创建了 /tmp/table.sql 文件,但 restore_table() 函数 returns 出现以下错误:

('', 'Password: \npg_restore: [archiver (db)] connection to database "database_name" failed: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "username"\nFATAL: password authentication failed for user "username"\n')*

我已经通过在 shell 中执行 pg_restore 的命令检查了凭据和输出,并且我还将凭据包含在 .pgpass 中(尽管不相关,因为我将密码传递到p.communicate())


此致, D.


我不确定为什么 pg_restore 在使用完整命令(即不在列表中拆分)和在 Popen 中使用 shell=True 时会产生密码验证错误,但是另一方面,pg_dump 使用 shell=True 和完整命令可以正常工作。 < 必须用它做任何事情吗?


from subprocess import PIPE,Popen
import shlex

def dump_table(host_name,database_name,user_name,database_password,table_name):

    command = 'pg_dump -h {0} -d {1} -U {2} -p 5432 -t public.{3} -Fc -f /tmp/table.dmp'\

    p = Popen(command,shell=True,stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE)

    return p.communicate('{}\n'.format(database_password))

def restore_table(host_name,database_name,user_name,database_password):

    #Remove the '<' from the pg_restore command.
    command = 'pg_restore -h {0} -d {1} -U {2} /tmp/table.dmp'\

    #Use shlex to use a list of parameters in Popen instead of using the
    #command as is.
    command = shlex.split(command)

    #Let the shell out of this (i.e. shell=False)
    p = Popen(command,shell=False,stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE)

    return p.communicate('{}\n'.format(database_password))

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":

您可以使用环境变量 和 pg_dump 的“--no-password”选项。

    def dump_schema(host, dbname, user, password, **kwargs):
        command = f'pg_dump --host={host} ' \
            f'--dbname={dbname} ' \
            f'--username={user} ' \
            f'--no-password ' \
            f'--format=c ' \
            f'--file=/tmp/schema.dmp '

        proc = Popen(command, shell=True, env={
            'PGPASSWORD': password

这是一个 python 脚本,用于获取 postgres 转储并将其恢复到新数据库。

import subprocess

DB_NAME = 'PrimaryDB'  # your db name

DB_USER = 'postgres' # you db user
DB_HOST = "localhost"
DB_PASSWORD = 'sarath1996'# your db password
dump_success = 1
print ('Backing up %s database ' % (DB_NAME))
command_for_dumping = f'pg_dump --host={DB_HOST} ' \
            f'--dbname={DB_NAME} ' \
            f'--username={DB_USER} ' \
            f'--no-password ' \
            f'--file=backup.dmp '
     proc = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, env={
                   'PGPASSWORD': DB_PASSWORD

 except Exception as e:
        dump_success = 0
        print('Exception happened during dump %s' %(e))

 if dump_success:
    print('db dump successfull')
 print(' restoring to a new database database')

 """database to restore dump must be created with 
the same user as of previous db (in my case user is 'postgres'). 
i have #created a db called ReplicaDB. no need of tables inside. 
restore process will #create tables with data.

backup_file = '/home/Downloads/BlogTemplate/BlogTemplate/backup.dmp' 
"""give absolute path of your dump file. This script will create the backup.dmp in the same directory from which u are running the script """

if not dump_success:
    print('dump unsucessfull. retsore not possible')
        process = subprocess.Popen(
                         '--dbname=postgresql://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}'.format('postgres',#db user
                                                                       'sarath1996', #db password
                                                                       'localhost',  #db host
                                                                       '5432', 'ReplicaDB'), #db port ,#db name
        output = process.communicate()[0]

     except Exception as e:
           print('Exception during restore %e' %(e) )