使用经过训练的字符级 LSTM 模型生成文本
Generate text with a trained character level LSTM model
我将 2 个序列作为训练示例提供:x 是一个字符序列,y 是相同的移位一个。该模型基于 LSTM 并使用 tensorflow 创建。
我的问题是:由于模型接受一定大小(在我的例子中是 50)的输入序列,我怎样才能做出预测给他只有一个字符作为种子?我在一些例子中看到,在训练之后,他们通过简单地输入单个字符来生成句子。
with tf.name_scope('input'):
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, truncated_backprop], name='x')
y = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [batch_size, truncated_backprop], name='y')
with tf.name_scope('weights'):
W = tf.Variable(np.random.rand(n_hidden, num_classes), dtype=tf.float32)
b = tf.Variable(np.random.rand(1, num_classes), dtype=tf.float32)
inputs_series = tf.split(x, truncated_backprop, 1)
labels_series = tf.unstack(y, axis=1)
with tf.name_scope('LSTM'):
cell = tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(n_hidden, state_is_tuple=True)
cell = tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(cell, output_keep_prob=dropout)
cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([cell] * n_layers)
states_series, current_state = tf.contrib.rnn.static_rnn(cell, inputs_series, \
logits_series = [tf.matmul(state, W) + b for state in states_series]
prediction_series = [tf.nn.softmax(logits) for logits in logits_series]
losses = [tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=labels) \
for logits, labels, in zip(logits_series, labels_series)]
total_loss = tf.reduce_mean(losses)
train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(total_loss)
我建议您使用 dynamic_rnn
而不是 static_rnn
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, None, features], name='x')
接下来,您需要一种方法将您自己的初始状态输入到网络中。您可以通过将 initial_state
参数传递给 dynamic_rnn
initialstate = cell.zero_state(batch_sie, tf.float32)
outputs, current_state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell,
这样,为了从单个字符生成文本,您可以一次向图形输入 1 个字符,每次都传入前一个字符和状态,例如:
prompt = 's' # beginning character, whatever
inp = one_hot(prompt) # preprocessing, as you probably want to feed one-hot vectors
state = None
while True:
if state is None:
feed = {x: [[inp]]}
feed = {x: [[inp]], initialstate: state}
out, state = sess.run([outputs, current_state], feed_dict=feed)
inp = process(out) # extract the predicted character from out and one-hot it
我将 2 个序列作为训练示例提供:x 是一个字符序列,y 是相同的移位一个。该模型基于 LSTM 并使用 tensorflow 创建。
我的问题是:由于模型接受一定大小(在我的例子中是 50)的输入序列,我怎样才能做出预测给他只有一个字符作为种子?我在一些例子中看到,在训练之后,他们通过简单地输入单个字符来生成句子。
with tf.name_scope('input'):
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, truncated_backprop], name='x')
y = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [batch_size, truncated_backprop], name='y')
with tf.name_scope('weights'):
W = tf.Variable(np.random.rand(n_hidden, num_classes), dtype=tf.float32)
b = tf.Variable(np.random.rand(1, num_classes), dtype=tf.float32)
inputs_series = tf.split(x, truncated_backprop, 1)
labels_series = tf.unstack(y, axis=1)
with tf.name_scope('LSTM'):
cell = tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(n_hidden, state_is_tuple=True)
cell = tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(cell, output_keep_prob=dropout)
cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([cell] * n_layers)
states_series, current_state = tf.contrib.rnn.static_rnn(cell, inputs_series, \
logits_series = [tf.matmul(state, W) + b for state in states_series]
prediction_series = [tf.nn.softmax(logits) for logits in logits_series]
losses = [tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=labels) \
for logits, labels, in zip(logits_series, labels_series)]
total_loss = tf.reduce_mean(losses)
train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(total_loss)
我建议您使用 dynamic_rnn
而不是 static_rnn
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, None, features], name='x')
接下来,您需要一种方法将您自己的初始状态输入到网络中。您可以通过将 initial_state
参数传递给 dynamic_rnn
initialstate = cell.zero_state(batch_sie, tf.float32)
outputs, current_state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell,
这样,为了从单个字符生成文本,您可以一次向图形输入 1 个字符,每次都传入前一个字符和状态,例如:
prompt = 's' # beginning character, whatever
inp = one_hot(prompt) # preprocessing, as you probably want to feed one-hot vectors
state = None
while True:
if state is None:
feed = {x: [[inp]]}
feed = {x: [[inp]], initialstate: state}
out, state = sess.run([outputs, current_state], feed_dict=feed)
inp = process(out) # extract the predicted character from out and one-hot it