角度2 |具体如何addClass和removeClass(点击div元素激活className)

Angular2 | How to addClass and removeClass specifically (clicked div element to activate the className)

## Note: ##

Onclick of div I am trying to enable the class name which was clicked.

like eg: $('div[data-index='0.0']').addClass('selected'); in Jquery // addClass only to specified div which has data-index =0.0.

I dont want want it to enable all className on click. Unique way of enabling specific class name I want the answer specifically in angular2

    ## Template: ##
    <div  class="board">
          <div  class="matrix selected"  data-index="0-0"  [ngClass]="{selected:isCellSelected}" (click)="fireClickEvent(0-0)">
          <div  class="matrix selected"  data-index="0-1" [ngClass]="{selected:isCellSelected}" (click)="fireClickEvent(0-1)">
          <div  class="matrix selected"  data-index="1-0" [ngClass]="{selected:isCellSelected}" (click)="fireClickEvent(1-0)">
          <div  class="matrix selected"  data-index="1-1" [ngClass]="{selected:isCellSelected}" (click)="fireClickEvent(1-1)">

    ## component ##
    import { Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core';

      selector: 'app'
    export class displayComponent implements OnInit {

      isCellSelected :boolean ;

      constructor() {

      ngOnInit() {

      fireClickEvent(clickedCell) {
          const selectedCellIndex = clickedCell;
          this.isCellSelected = true; // enabling className for all three
          // I need only clicked cell to activate the className Not all.


Thanks in Advance .!!

  selector: '[selectable]'
export class MatrixDirective {
  classes = '';

  toggleClass = 'selected';

  fireClickEvent() {
    if(this.classes.indexOf(this.toggleClass) > -1) {
     this.classes = this.classes.replace(this.toggleClass, '');
    } else {
      this.classes = `${this.classes} ${this.toggleClass}`;

这里的这个指令将完成您正在寻找的东西,有点矫枉过正,但会帮助您进入 "angular way" 做事。


<!-- OLD -->
<div  class="matrix selected"  data-index="0-0"  [ngClass]="{selected:isCellSelected}" (click)="fireClickEvent(0-0)">
<!-- Adjusted -->
<div  class="matrix"  data-index="0-0"  selectable>