http.server 未按照 中的示例提供页面

http.server not serving pages as per example from


Error response

Error code: 501

Message: Unsupported method ('GET').

Error code explanation: HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Server does not support this operation.

这是 中给出的示例 如果我从命令行 运行 它可以工作 python3 -m http.server。我需要随着时间的推移控制这个服务器所以我需要打开它一段时间然后自动关闭它

from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer

def run(server_class=HTTPServer, handler_class=BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
    server_address = ('', 8000)
    httpd = server_class(server_address, handler_class)

答案在您链接到的 documentation 中:

The HTTPServer must be given a RequestHandlerClass on instantiation, of which this module provides three different variants:

class http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler(request, client_address, server)

This class is used to handle the HTTP requests that arrive at the server. By itself, it cannot respond to any actual HTTP requests; it must be subclassed to handle each request method (e.g. GET or POST). ...

对于您的情况,您应该改用 http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler

class http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler(request, client_address, server)

This class serves files from the current directory and below, directly mapping the directory structure to HTTP requests.