java 中的 XMPP 服务器未收到来自 GCM 服务器的所有消息

XMPP server in java does not receive all messages from GCM server

我已经使用 Smack 库实现了 XMPP 服务器,我的服务器从 Google 云消息服务器(现在是 Firebase)获取消息,但问题是当我从 [=19 一条一条地发送消息时=] 到 gcm 服务器,我的 XMPP 服务器只收到第一条消息,第二条被拦截,(我只能看到有一条消息的通知

<message id="gQaM0-6"><gcm xmlns="google:mobile:data">{"message_type":"ack","message_id":"0","to":"eVtypIWW7Q8:APA91bH5oU0AC3zyuCAWVYkMzoGQeIiGe71c2BL4lE5uFHRfB3iPXtD-qIJDmJZ3ySsPDi0VhkKl0Cz3XZG7rWa1Ca7pX9yQqzWSMXBiGK4SEO4Q-Owfr45E_VBJMrXqsSziuJhek"}</gcm></message>

但我没有这方面的数据 我在方法 void processPacket(Packet packet) 中得到的第一条消息 这是 XMPP 服务器的完整代码:

public class XMPPServer implements PacketListener {

    private static XMPPServer sInstance = null;
    private XMPPConnection connection;
    private ConnectionConfiguration config;
    private String mApiKey = null;
    private String mProjectId = null;
    private boolean mDebuggable = false;
    private String fcmServerUsername = null;

    public static XMPPServer getInstance() {
        if (sInstance == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("You have to prepare the client first");
        return sInstance;

    public static XMPPServer prepareClient(String projectId, String apiKey, boolean debuggable) {
        synchronized (XMPPServer.class) {
            if (sInstance == null) {
                sInstance = new XMPPServer(projectId, apiKey, debuggable);
        return sInstance;

    private XMPPServer(String projectId, String apiKey, boolean debuggable) {
        mApiKey = apiKey;
        mProjectId = projectId;
        mDebuggable = debuggable;
        fcmServerUsername = mProjectId + "@" + Util.FCM_SERVER_CONNECTION;

    private XMPPServer() {
        // Add GcmPacketExtension
        ProviderManager.getInstance().addExtensionProvider(Util.FCM_ELEMENT_NAME, Util.FCM_NAMESPACE,
                new PacketExtensionProvider() {

                    public PacketExtension parseExtension(XmlPullParser parser) throws Exception {
                        String json = parser.nextText();
                        GcmPacketExtension packet = new GcmPacketExtension(json);
                        return packet;

     * Connects to FCM Cloud Connection Server using the supplied credentials
    public void connect() throws XMPPException {
        config = new ConnectionConfiguration(Util.FCM_SERVER, Util.FCM_PORT);
        // Launch a window with info about packets sent and received

        connection = new XMPPConnection(config);

        connection.addConnectionListener(new ConnectionListener() {
                //a few overrided methods
        // Handle incoming packets (the class implements the PacketListener)
        connection.addPacketListener(this, new PacketTypeFilter(Message.class));

        // Second message without data I get in this method (1)
        connection.addPacketWriterInterceptor(new PacketInterceptor() {
            public void interceptPacket(Packet packet) {
                System.out.println("INTERCEPT PACKAGE: " + packet.toXML());
        }, new PacketTypeFilter(Message.class));
        connection.login(fcmServerUsername, mApiKey);
     * Normal message with my data I get in this method (2)
    public void processPacket(Packet packet) {
        Message incomingMessage = (Message) packet;
        GcmPacketExtension gcmPacket = (GcmPacketExtension) incomingMessage.getExtension(Util.FCM_NAMESPACE);
        String json = gcmPacket.getJson();
        System.out.println("Message : " + json);

差不多全代码了,最重要的部分我用(1)和(2)标出来了,(用搜索快速找到) 为什么我的数据只能收到第一条消息? 为什么第二条消息会转到 PacketInterceptor(标记 (1) )?

如果您使用的是 Firebase Cloud Messaging(FCM),请检查您的应用服务器是否连接到以下端点:

// Production

// Testing

除此之外,您可能还想检查 Downstream messages 其中提到一旦 XMPP 连接建立,CCS 和您的服务器使用正常的 XMPP <message> 节发送 JSON-来回编码的消息。 <message> 的正文必须是:

<gcm xmlns:google:mobile:data>
    JSON payload

此外,请注意 JSON 常规 FCM 消息有效负载中的例外情况。访问给定的链接以获取更多信息。

这些相关的 SO 帖子也可能有帮助:

  • Send FCM messages from server side to android device