如何从笛卡尔乘积查询中追加 table 中尚不存在的记录?

How can I append records that don't already exist in a table from a cartesian product query?

我当前的查询 returns 来自 2 table 的所有可能结果,并将它们插入连接点 table。


INSERT INTO tblJunction_Courses_Software ( CourseID, SoftwareID )
SELECT tblCourses.CourseID, tblSoftware.SoftwareID
FROM tblSoftware, tblCourses
WHERE (((tblSoftware.Exclude)=No));


我想你可以用 not exists 子句做你想做的事:

INSERT INTO tblJunction_Courses_Software ( CourseID, SoftwareID )
     SELECT c.CourseID, s.SoftwareID
     FROM tblSoftware as s CROSS JOIN tblCourses as c
     WHERE s.Exclude = No AND
           NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1
                       FROM tblJunction_Courses_Software as cs
                       WHERE cs.CourseId = c.CourseId AND
                             cs.SoftwareId = s.SOftwareId