根据用户为 "A" 和 "B" 定义的隐式解析 "A with B" 的隐式

resolve implicit for "A with B" based on user defined implicits for "A" and "B"


sealed trait State

sealed trait Verified extends State

sealed trait Contactable extends State

class Name[+S <: State](val name: String)

class User[S <: State] {
  def state(implicit n: Name[S]): String = n.name

implicit def verifiedName: Name[Verified] = new Name[Verified](name = "verified")
implicit def contactableName: Name[Contactable] = new Name[Contactable](name = "contactable")
implicit def nameAB[A <: State, B <: State](implicit s1: Name[A], s2: Name[B]): Name[A with B] = 
    new Name[A with B](name = s1.name concat " & " concat s2.name)

//client code
new User[Verified].state //Check!
new User[Contactable].state //Check!
new User[Contactable with Verified].state //Epic Fail!
//Error:(20, 38) diverging implicit expansion for type
// A$A516.this.Name[A$A516.this.Contactable with A$A516.this.Verified]
//starting with method nameAB in class A$A516
//new User[Contactable with Verified].state;}

总的来说,我想要实现的是可交换操作的行为自动组合。在这种情况下,我需要 Userstate 方法,状态 Contactable with Verified 为 "contactable & verified" 甚至 "verified & contactable"。 Scala 的类型系统对我来说太多了。所以我无法弄清楚问题所在。如果可以解决我该怎么做?如果不是,是什么原因?

一个可能的解决方案在我的情况下,实现组合是主要目标,将 A with B 替换为 (A,B) 来表达组合解决了问题:

sealed trait State

trait Verified extends State

trait Contactable extends State

class Name[S](val name: String)

class User[S] {
  def state(implicit n: Name[S]): String = n.name

implicit def aName: Name[Verified] = new Name[Verified](name = "verified")
implicit def bName: Name[Contactable] = new Name[Contactable](name = "contactable")
implicit def nameAB[A, B](implicit s1: Name[A], s2: Name[B]): Name[(A, B)] =
  new Name[(A, B)](name = s1.name concat " & " concat s2.name)

//client code
new User[Verified].state //Check!
new User[Contactable].state //Check!
new User[(Contactable, Verified)].state // Check!

从这一点开始,可以为 Tuple3, Tuple4 , ... 的情况定义其他隐式或使用嵌套的 tuple2s 来扩展组合。 对于 A with B


我个人认为您将隐式解析的概念与幻像类型混为一谈。从更简单的变体中为复合类型派生隐式是一个有据可查的过程,您可以将记录类型编码为 HList 并派生为 HList ,或者求助于隐式宏,这实际上在没有无形糖的情况下做同样的事情.

Phantom 类型是关于静态的(在编译时)"mutating" class 上的类型参数以在编译时对某些状态进行编码,并且它通常不会像您建议的那样与隐式混合。我的意思是:

trait State
trait Contacted extends State
trait Verifiable extends State

class Builder[C <: State, V <: State] {
  // In here I statically alter the signature of `Builder`
  // telling the compiler a call to `addContact`
  // will alter the type arg to the value of `Contacted`
  def addContact: Builder[Contacted, V]
  def verify(input: Whatever)(
    implicit ev: C =:= Contacted
  ): Builder[Contacted, Verifiable] = ???

在上述情况下,编译器现在会阻止您在 addContact 之前调用 verifiable。并且此方法的任何后来用户,如果说您正在构建一个框架,如果他们试图做一些被认为无效的事情,就会得到一个编译时错误。

所以诀窍是不要尝试统一每个人的类型,尽管你可以,但它可能会增加比你想象的更多的下游复杂性。对于幻像类型,您通常有 "one per state".