如何在 Angular Material2 中更改主调色板的字体颜色?

How to change font color of primary palette in Angular Material2?

官方theming documentation of Angular Material2中明确说明如下:

In Angular Material, a theme is created by composing multiple palettes. In particular, a theme consists of:

  • A primary palette: colors most widely used across all screens and components.
  • An accent palette: colors used for the floating action button and interactive elements.
  • A warn palette: colors used to convey error state.
  • A foreground palette: colors for text and icons.
  • A background palette: colors used for element backgrounds.


@import '~@angular/material/theming';
@include mat-core();

$candy-app-primary: mat-palette($mat-indigo);
$candy-app-accent:  mat-palette($mat-pink, A200, A100, A400);
$candy-app-warn:    mat-palette($mat-red);
$candy-app-theme: mat-light-theme($candy-app-primary, $candy-app-accent, $candy-app-warn);

@include angular-material-theme($candy-app-theme);


有一些网站 (materialpalette.com, material.io) 显示调色板以便于可视化,但他们仍然没有说明如何在 Angular Material2 中包含或修改该调色板。


// Foreground palette for light themes.
$mat-light-theme-foreground: (
  base:            black,
  divider:         rgba(black, 0.12),
  dividers:        rgba(black, 0.12),
  disabled:        rgba(black, 0.38),
  disabled-button: rgba(black, 0.38),
  disabled-text:   rgba(black, 0.38),
  hint-text:       rgba(black, 0.38),
  secondary-text:  rgba(black, 0.54),
  icon:            rgba(black, 0.54),
  icons:           rgba(black, 0.54),
  text:            rgba(black, 0.87)

您可以在以下位置找到地图:\node_modules\@angular\material\core\theming\ _palette.scss

检索示例 'secondary-text':

$foreground: map-get($theme, foreground);

.foreground-color {
  color: mat-color($foreground, secondary-text);

该指南可在位于 here.


首先,为您的主题定义调色板,例如 $primary$accent$warn(在指南中它们有 $candy-app- 前缀)然后创建一个 $theme 对象:

// Create the theme object (a Sass map containing all of the palettes).
$theme: mat-light-theme($primary, $accent, $warn);


$foreground: map-get($theme, foreground);

$foreground 调色板我们可以根据键获取任何值,例如

secondary-text: rgba(black, 0.54),

text: rgba(black, 0.87)

这是检索 secondary-text 属性 的代码:

color: mat-color($foreground, secondary-text);

我从 2.0.0-beta.2 切换到 2.0.0-beta.3,文件夹结构看起来不一样,你是对的。 现在是\node_modules\@angular\material\_theming.scss_palette.scss文件不见了。不过,您可以对其进行全局搜索:'$mat-dark-theme-background: ('

_theming.scss 拥有所有颜色、地图和所有功能,就像 mat-color


  1. 照常构建主题对象。

     @import '@angular/material/theming.scss';
     @include mat-core();
     // Choose colors
     $my-app-primary: mat-palette($mat-blue-grey);
     $my-app-accent:  mat-palette($mat-light-green);
     $my-app-warn:    mat-palette($mat-red);
     // Build theme object (its practically a map object)
     $my-app-theme: mat-light-theme($my-app-primary, $my-app-accent, $my-app-warn);
  2. 使用返回前景图的自定义函数构建自定义前景,如 @angular/material/_theming.scss -> $mat-light-theme-foreground 函数中所定义。

     @function my-mat-light-theme-foreground($color) {
         @return (
             base:              $color,
             divider:           $black-12-opacity,
             dividers:          $black-12-opacity,
             disabled:          rgba($color, 0.38),
             disabled-button:   rgba($color, 0.38),
             disabled-text:     rgba($color, 0.38),
             hint-text:         rgba($color, 0.38),
             secondary-text:    rgba($color, 0.54),
             icon:              rgba($color, 0.54),
             icons:             rgba($color, 0.54),
             text:              rgba($color, 0.87),
             slider-min:        rgba($color, 0.87),
             slider-off:        rgba($color, 0.26),
             slider-off-active: rgba($color, 0.38),
     // You can put any color here. I've chosen mat-color($my-app-primary, 700)
     $my-foreground: my-mat-light-theme-foreground(mat-color($my-app-primary, 700));
  3. 将之前创建的主题与前景图合并并初始化您的自定义主题。
    注意: 由于 SCSS 中的所有地图都是不可变的 map-merge() returns 新地图实例并且不会就地修改地图 - 因此我们有另一个变量 $my-app-theme-custom 来保存结果主题。

     $my-app-theme-custom: map-merge($my-app-theme, (foreground: $my-foreground));
     // Include your custom theme.
     @include angular-material-theme($my-app-theme-custom);

注意:我正在使用Angular Material v2.0.0-beta.8

编辑 2020 年 10 月: - 我已将 属性 slider-min 添加到地图中,因为评论中的一些人报告说它已添加到以后构建中的前景图。

要更改前景文本颜色,请先按常规创建主题,然后覆盖 theme.color.foreground.text:

// define theme as you do currently, e.g.
$theme: mat.define-light-theme(...)

/ grab color.foreground map from theme
$color: map-get($map: $theme, $key: color);
$foreground: map-get($map: $color, $key: foreground);

// override text of foreground map
$my-text-color: #3B4956;
$themed-foreground: map-merge($foreground, (text: $my-text-color));

// override foreground of $color map
$themed-color: map-merge($color, (foreground: $themed-foreground));

// override color of theme map
$theme: map-merge($theme, (color: $themed-color));

照常从 $theme 生成 css,即 @include mat.all-component-themes($theme) - 确保只生成一次。实现此目的的一种方法:

// contains above theme - ok to include many places

// generates css - only include once!
@import './theme';
@include mat.all-component-themes($theme)

我很惊讶不可能以更简单的方式做到这一点 - 希望最终会改变。祝你好运。