尝试从本地 class 方法访问属性时出现编译错误

Compilation error when trying to access an attribute from a local class method

我试图通过 "inner"(本地)class 的方法访问 "outer" class 的属性,但我失败了。


class outer
        std::string name;

        class inner
            void hello();  

        void dostuff();


void outer::inner::hello(){std::cout << "Hello " << name << "\n";}

void outer::dostuff(){inner instanceInner; instanceInner.hello();}

int main()
   outer instanceOuter;
   instanceOuter.name = std::string("Alice");

   return 0;


9:21: error: invalid use of non-static data member 'outer::name'
21:53: error: from this location

我真的不希望 name 成为静态成员,但我真的不介意 outer 是一个单身人士。所以我尝试了 static std::string name; 并得到了


/tmp/ccqVKxC4.o: In function `outer::inner::hello()':
:(.text+0x4b): undefined reference to `outer::name'
/tmp/ccqVKxC4.o: In function `main':
:(.text.startup+0x1f): undefined reference to `outer::name'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status


你的问题出在你的hello()功能上。 name 超出范围。它不属于您的 inner class。不幸的是,你的内部 class 将无法看到你的外部 class 及其成员,因此:

void outer::inner::hello(){
    std::cout << "Hello " << name << "\n";

将产生一个错误,告诉您 name 找不到。


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

class outer
        static std::string name;

        class inner
            void hello();  

        void dostuff();


std::string outer::name = ""; // This is key. You need to instantiate outer's name somewhere.

void outer::inner::hello(){std::cout << "Hello " << outer::name << "\n";}

void outer::dostuff(){inner instanceInner; instanceInner.hello();}

int main()
   outer instanceOuter;
   instanceOuter.name = std::string("Alice");

   return 0;


Hello Alice

重复(稍作修改)我在另一个答案中提到的内容 similar recent SO question:

A C++ nested class does not share data with its outer class -- if there were the case, each instance of the inner class would be in a one-to-one relationship with a corresponding instance of an outer class and would thus add no extra functionality. Instead, the main purposes of nested classes are:

  1. Namespace meaning: outer::inner is more meaningful than outer_inner
  2. Depending on the C++ version standard, a nested class has extra visibility of the member objects of instances of the outer class
  3. Maybe others that I'm not aware of

这是一个关于 when/why 在 C++ 中使用嵌套 classes 的热门参考问题:Why would one use nested classes in C++?

在你的情况下,inner class 不能引用数据 name 没有 a) outer class 的特定实例,其name 将被访问,或者 b) 对 outer 通用的静态 name。第一个解决方案需要 inner class 引用 outer class:

inner (const outer& _o) : o(_o) {}

其中 o 是类型 const outer& 的私有成员。然后写hello函数

void outer::inner::hello(){std::cout << "Hello " << o.name << "\n";}


std::string outer::name = "bla";


但是,无论哪种情况,我都担心您误用了嵌套 class。它在您的代码中有什么作用?为什么数据和成员函数必须在外部和嵌套之间分开class?您确定 class 不会更好地满足您的目的吗?