离开 JsFiddle 环境时,JSFiddle 代码不能 运行

JSFiddle code cannot run when out of JsFiddle environment

我的简单反网络欺凌插件代码在 JSFiddle 中完美运行,但在我的网站中却没有 运行,即使我添加 document.ready 并使用像 jslint 这样的 c+p 清理器.该代码在 JSFiddle 上没有任何警告。我查看了此页面:(JSFiddle code not working in my own page),但这似乎不适用于我的问题。为什么代码在 JSFiddle 上运行时在其他环境中不 运行?

这是 JSFiddle: The Code

这是我在我的网站中使用的确切 JS:

$(document).ready(function() {
  var triggerWords = ["stupid",
  $(document).on('keyup', 'textarea', function humhm {
    for (var i = 0; i < triggerWords.length; i++) {
      if ($(this).val().toLowerCase().indexOf(triggerWords[i]) != -1) {

        document.getElementById("styled").className = "mystyle";
        document.getElementById("shover").className = "mason";
        const messages = ['<img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/TzOBj6xt9unc8n41fMyUZ46FG4MRXBK6wkdOtzmKJPoLa9gBYNwZYQkRB8fsboqM1LHh3ahxOLOlyKsH1zG1qmGHgbS6IK-yZtv6Duo6_thwIKEVRY7BZNr2JJzAkYviyKp_q7SPWnp1"width="200px" class="floater" onclick="javascript:eraseText();">Words mean a lot. Their echoes can brighten someone\'s day. Or they can make a bad day worse. Consider the person behind the screen.', '<img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/TzOBj6xt9unc8n41fMyUZ46FG4MRXBK6wkdOtzmKJPoLa9gBYNwZYQkRB8fsboqM1LHh3ahxOLOlyKsH1zG1qmGHgbS6IK-yZtv6Duo6_thwIKEVRY7BZNr2JJzAkYviyKp_q7SPWnp1"width="200px" class="floater" onclick="javascript:eraseText();">Your words can be a force for happiness or dejection. Choose carefully.', 'Be mindful of your words. Would you say this in real life?', 'Consider the impact your words may have. A couple insults slung casually can be much more significant to others.', 'Words that are insignificant to you can deeply hurt another. Be empathetic. Be nice.'];
        const randomIndex = Math.round(Math.random(messages.length * 10 - 0.5));
        document.getElementById("shover").innerHTML = messages[randomIndex];
        document.getElementById("usual").className = "noshow";
        document.getElementById("trigger").className = "norm";


您要导入 JQuery 吗?通常 'rare' 错误来自简单问题。

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

我建议您利用 JQuery 让您的代码更易于阅读,您可以将所有 document.getElementById("ID_VALUE") 替换为 $('#ID_VALUE')


您需要导入 jQuery。

JSFiddle 确实导入了它。