当有 `&` 原型时,我如何使用 coderefs 而不是文字 subs?

How can I use coderefs instead literal subs when there is a `&` prototype?

我正在努力 Router::Resource 工作 其中函数的参数不是字面的匿名 subs,而是 之前定义的代码引用。我这样做是为了减少代码重复。


# app.psgi
use 5.024;
use Router::Resource qw(resource router GET POST);
my $app = sub {
    my ($env) = @_;
    my $router = router {
        resource '/' => sub {
            GET { [200, [], ['get /']] };
        resource '/blog/{year}/{month}' => sub {
            GET  { [200, [], ['get /blog']] };
            POST { [200, [], ['post /blog']] };
$ plackup &
$ http -b :5000 - - [17/Apr/2017:14:25:28 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 5 "-" "HTTPie/0.9.2"
get /
$ http -b :5000/blog/2017/4 - - [17/Apr/2017:14:26:15 +0200] "GET /blog/2017/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 9 "-" "HTTPie/0.9.2"
get /blog
$ http -b POST :5000/blog/2017/4 - - [17/Apr/2017:14:26:28 +0200] "POST /blog/2017/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 10 "-" "HTTPie/0.9.2"
post /blog
$ pkill -f plackup

将内部 PSGI 代码从文字匿名更改为代码引用后,因此:

my $get_root = sub { [200, [], ['get /']] };
        resource '/' => sub {
            GET $get_root;


$ perl -c app.psgi
Type of arg 1 to Router::Resource::GET must be block or sub {} (not private variable) at app.psgi line 8, near "$get_root;"

函数原型为GET(&). When & is the first position, it allows the caller to use the abbreviated syntax, sort of like with sort { … } @list and map { … } instead of sort sub { … }, @list etc., see perlsub#Prototypes:

An & requires an anonymous subroutine, which, if passed as the first argument, does not require the sub keyword or a subsequent comma.

当有原型时,如何使用 coderefs 而不是文字 subs?

GET \&$get_root 似乎有效。


GET \&{$get_generic->('get /')}

\&{...} 操作将其内容强制转换为适合与 & 原型一起使用的代码引用。同样,您可以在 .

中使用 @{[...]}%{{...}}


  • 绕过原型。

  • 根据错误消息的要求提供 BLOCK

    GET { $get_root->(@_) }
  • 根据错误消息的要求提供 sub { }

    GET(sub { $get_root->(@_) })
  • 使用以 \& 开头的内容。 (未记录)
