使用 PHP 解析 YAML 文件不会将操作数组转储为正确的 YAML 格式

Parsing YAML file with PHP does not dump manipulated array back into correct YAML format

我制作了一个程序,使用 yaml_parse_file() 将 YAML 文件加载到 PHP 数组中,然后我使用此函数操作数组:

function removeElementWithValue($array, $key, $value){
     foreach($array as $subKey => $subArray){
          if($subArray[$key] == $value){
     return $array;

然后我尝试使用 yaml_emit()

将新数组转储回 YAML 文件

问题在于:程序没有使用正确的 YAML 格式将数组转储到 YAML 文件中。只有当我的函数只删除数组中的最后一个元素时,它才会将数组转储为正确的 YAML 格式。如果我使用该函数从数组中删除任何其他元素,它将转储回 YAML 文件,如:

  ID: 1
  startX: 258.000000
  endX: 276.000000
  startZ: 271.000000
  endZ: 290.000000
  price: 38000.000000
  owner: KeithDavisRatio
  level: world
  invitee: []
  expires: ~


- ID: 1
  startX: 258.000000
  endX: 276.000000
  startZ: 271.000000
  endZ: 290.000000
  price: 38000.000000
  owner: KeithDavisRatio
  level: world
  invitee: []
  expires: ~

问题:如何正确操作数组,以便 yaml_emit() 将新数组转储到具有正确 YAML 格式的文件中?预先感谢您的帮助。


#Loads Land.yml into PHP Array
$file = '/Users/keithdavis/MineCraft/pocketmine-mp/plugins/EconomyLand/Land.yml';
$array = yaml_parse_file($file);

echo "Loaded into PHP: \n";

echo "Would you like to
\n1: Delete all land claims by owner?
\n2: Delete all land claims except owner?\n";
$answer = readline("\nType 1 or 2: ");

#Answer 1
if ($answer == 1){
  $ownerName = readline("What is the owner's name?:  ");

  #Searches land array for owner
  if(array_search($ownerName, array_column($array, 'owner')) !== false ){
      echo "...Found $ownerName \n";

      #Removes owner from array
      $array = removeElementWithValue($array, 'owner', $ownerName);
      echo "...Removed claims owned by $ownerName \n";

      #Sends data back to Land.yml
      $landAfterDump = yaml_emit($array);
      file_put_contents($file, $landAfterDump);
      echo "YAML Data dumped back: \n";
      echo $landAfterDump;

      echo 'Did not find ' . $ownerName . "\n";
#Answer 2
}elseif ($answer == 2){
  $ownerName = readline("What is the owner's name?:  ");

  #Searches land array for owner
  if(array_search($ownerName, array_column($array, 'owner')) !== false ){
      echo "...Found claims by $ownerName \n";

      #Removes from array except owner
      $array = removeElementWithValueExcept($array, 'owner', $ownerName);
      echo "...Removed claims not owned by $ownerName \n";

      #Sends data back to Land.yml
      $landAfterDump = yaml_emit($array);
      file_put_contents($file, $landAfterDump);
      echo "YAML Data dumped back: \n";
      echo $landAfterDump;
  else {
        echo 'Did not find ' . $ownerName . "\n";
}else {
  echo "Input not recognized. Please run program again.\n";

#Remove from array
function removeElementWithValue($array, $key, $value){
     foreach($array as $subKey => $subArray){
          if($subArray[$key] == $value){
     return $array;

#Remove from array except
function removeElementWithValueExcept($array, $key, $value){
     foreach($array as $subKey => $subArray){
          if($subArray[$key] !== $value){
     return $array;
} <?php

#Loads Land.yml into PHP Array
$file = '/Users/keithdavis/MineCraft/pocketmine-mp/plugins/EconomyLand/Land.yml';
$array = yaml_parse_file($file);

echo "Loaded into PHP: \n";

echo "Would you like to
\n1: Delete all land claims by owner?
\n2: Delete all land claims except owner?\n";
$answer = readline("\nType 1 or 2: ");

#Answer 1
if ($answer == 1){
  $ownerName = readline("What is the owner's name?:  ");

  #Searches land array for owner
  if(array_search($ownerName, array_column($array, 'owner')) !== false ){
      echo "...Found $ownerName \n";

      #Removes owner from array
      $array = removeElementWithValue($array, 'owner', $ownerName);
      echo "...Removed claims owned by $ownerName \n";

      #Sends data back to Land.yml
      $landAfterDump = yaml_emit($array);
      file_put_contents($file, $landAfterDump);
      echo "YAML Data dumped back: \n";
      echo $landAfterDump;

      echo 'Did not find ' . $ownerName . "\n";
#Answer 2
}elseif ($answer == 2){
  $ownerName = readline("What is the owner's name?:  ");

  #Searches land array for owner
  if(array_search($ownerName, array_column($array, 'owner')) !== false ){
      echo "...Found claims by $ownerName \n";

      #Removes from array except owner
      $array = removeElementWithValueExcept($array, 'owner', $ownerName);
      echo "...Removed claims not owned by $ownerName \n";

      #Sends data back to Land.yml
      $landAfterDump = yaml_emit($array);
      file_put_contents($file, $landAfterDump);
      echo "YAML Data dumped back: \n";
      echo $landAfterDump;
  else {
        echo 'Did not find ' . $ownerName . "\n";
}else {
  echo "Input not recognized. Please run program again.\n";

#Remove from array
function removeElementWithValue($array, $key, $value){
     foreach($array as $subKey => $subArray){
          if($subArray[$key] == $value){
     return $array;

#Remove from array except
function removeElementWithValueExcept($array, $key, $value){
     foreach($array as $subKey => $subArray){
          if($subArray[$key] !== $value){
     return $array;

Land.yml 文件:

- ID: 0
  startX: 260.000000
  endX: 276.000000
  startZ: 244.000000
  endZ: 256.000000
  price: 22100.000000
  owner: BlockBach
  level: world
  invitee: []
  expires: ~
- ID: 1
  startX: 258.000000
  endX: 276.000000
  startZ: 271.000000
  endZ: 290.000000
  price: 38000.000000
  owner: KeithDavisRatio
  level: world
  invitee: []
  expires: ~
- ID: 2
  startX: 353.000000
  endX: 364.000000
  startZ: 218.000000
  endZ: 253.000000
  price: 43200.000000
  owner: TestDummy1
  level: world
  invitee: []
  expires: ~
- ID: 3
  startX: 317.000000
  endX: 336.000000
  startZ: 302.000000
  endZ: 314.000000
  price: 26000.000000
  owner: TestDummy1
  level: world
  invitee: []
  expires: ~
- ID: 4
  startX: 203.000000
  endX: 223.000000
  startZ: 312.000000
  endZ: 352.000000
  price: 86100.000000
  owner: Elytra1
  level: world
  invitee: []
  expires: ~
- ID: 5
  startX: 157.000000
  endX: 174.000000
  startZ: 318.000000
  endZ: 334.000000
  price: 30600.000000
  owner: Elytra1
  level: world
  invitee: []
  expires: ~
- ID: 6
  startX: 121.000000
  endX: 128.000000
  startZ: 286.000000
  endZ: 299.000000
  price: 11200.000000
  owner: Elytra1
  level: world
  invitee: []
  expires: ~
- ID: 7
  startX: 226.000000
  endX: 244.000000
  startZ: 214.000000
  endZ: 225.000000
  price: 22800.000000
  owner: Haxley
  level: world
  invitee: []
  expires: ~
- ID: 8
  startX: 193.000000
  endX: 222.000000
  startZ: 141.000000
  endZ: 172.000000
  price: 96000.000000
  owner: Haxley
  level: world
  invitee: []
  expires: ~
- ID: 9
  startX: 171.000000
  endX: 199.000000
  startZ: 45.000000
  endZ: 80.000000
  price: 104400.000000
  owner: Haxley
  level: world
  invitee: []
  expires: ~

当您修改数组时,您是在删除元素而不重新编制索引。然后 yaml_emit 得到一个缺少键的数组,所以它会尝试制作那种奇怪的语法。我不知道这是库中的错误还是所需的行为。

要获得所需的输出,请更改以下行(出现 2 次):

// Before
$landAfterDump = yaml_emit($array);

// After
$landAfterDump = yaml_emit(array_values($array));